Guided Tour
June 1, 1997

This is an experimental tool for providing and composing guided tours of the Al Mashriq server. Because of the developing nature of JavaScript which has been used to progam the tool, things may not always work the way you expect. Bear with us as JavaScript matures and we develop the Guided Tour function.

The Guided Tour tool can be used either to browse Al Mashriq on preprogrammed tours, or to build private tours. When completed, private tours are saved by having them mailed to the user.

If you feel that your private tour might be of interest to others, it can be mailed to the editor of Al Mashriq at <> for inclusion in the list of preprogrammed tours.

Private tours might also be useful as part of school projects, curriculae and advice to others.

Launch the tour program

al@mashriq                       970601/970601