These tables of contents have been translated to
English by Khalil Nassar based on the copy
held at the Saab Medical Library of the American University of Beirut
– Lebanon
The copy of The Canon of Medicine by Avicenna was acquired by
the Medical Library of the American University of Beirut in the
1920’s. This copy was printed in Rome, dated MDXC111 (1593)
Names and words which have no translation, were stated as they
appear in the text and are put in brackets [ ].
In addition to brackets, parenthesis are added to give
explanations and definitions of names and words when available.
- Book I: General matters relative to the Science of Medicine
- Acknowledgement made to Dr. Farid Haddad, of Paradise
Valley AZ. U.S.A, for his help and advice.
- Book II: On specific drugs set down alphabetically (Materia Medica).
- In addition to the listing of items according to the Arabic alphabets, a latin
alphabetical listing is prepared whereby each item is listed and is followed by the
page on which it appears. This is to facilitate locating items for non – Arabic
versed researchers.
- Book III: Special Pathology
- Page 317 is missing.
- Page 352, the lower part is torn, but facing there is a complete page.
- Book V: Compound drugs, Formulary
- Four items numbered 84, 85, 86 and 87, all appearing on P. 195 are misplaced in
the index.
- Bibliography (Arabic and Foreign)
Chihabi’s Dictionary of Agricultural and Allied Terminology
English – Arabic
with an Arabic – English Glossary ,
Librairie Du Liban,
3rd Printing, 1988,
Edited by Ahmad Sh. Al – Khatib.
(The bulk of the Arabic material being the realization of
Emir Moustapha El Chihabi’s in his Dictionnaire Français
– Arabe Des Termes Agricoles)
Munir Ba’albaki, Al – Mawrid, A Modern English – Arabic Dictionary,
Dar El – Ilm Lil – Malayen,
34th printing, 2000
Dr. Rohi Baalbaki, Al – Mawrid, Trillingual Dictionary
Arabic – English – French,
With Phonetic Transcription,
Dar El – Ilm Lilmalayin,
First print 2004.
Hans Wehr, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic
Edited by J. Milton Cowan,
Librairie Du Liban, Beirut,
Macdonald & Evans Ltd, London
Third printing, 1980.
Yusuf K. Hitti, M.D., Hitti’s English – Arabic Medical Dictionary
Council of Arab Ministers of Health, WHO, Arab Medical
Union, ALESCO,
Third Edition, MedLevant, AG,
Switzerland 1983,
ISBN 88 – 7674 -000-7
F . Steingass, PH.D, A Comprehensive Persian – English Dictionary
Librairie Du Liban Publishers
New Reprint, 1998
BN 01 D110219.
George E. Post, Flora Of Syria, Palestine and Sinai:
A Handbook of the Flowering plants and ferns, Native and Naturalized, From the Taurus to Ras Muhammad and from the
Mediterranean Sea to The Syrian Desert, (2 volumes),
Second Edition, Extensively revised and enlarged by
John Edward Dinsnore, MA, of the American Colony in Jerusalem
American Press, Beirut, 1933.
A Treatise on the Canon of Medicine of Avicenna
Incorporating a Translation of the First Book by
O.Cameron Gruner, M.D. (Lond.),
Printed and Engraved in Great Britain at the Burleigh Press,
Lewin’s Mead, Bristol -
London, Luzac & Co, , 46 Great
Russel Street, W.C.1
Dr. Mohammed Al Toonji, A Dictionary of Persian
Loan – Words
in Arabic,
Revised by Dr. Alsibai’,
2nd Edition 1998,
Librairie du Liban Publishers
القانون في الطب
تاليف الشيخ الرئيس ابو علي الحسين بن علي بن سينا
طبعة جديدة محققة ومفهرسة مذيلة بالحواشي والشروح حققه ووضع فهارسه وعلق عليه.
ادوار القش
دكتور في الانثروبولوجيا
استاذ في الجامعة اللبنانية – بيروت
قدم له بالعربية والفرنسية
علي زيعور
دكتور في التربية وعلم النفس
استاذ قسم الدراسات العليا – كلية الاداب بالجامعة اللبنانية
اربع مجلدات
مؤسسة عز الدين للطباعة والنشر بيروت لبنان 1987
All comments are welcome.