Book V: Compound drugs, Formulary
| page | |
| Scientific Treatise, on need for compound drugs | | | | |
| Chapter on mode of compounding | | | | |
| Subsection one, on compounds in formularies, comprising 12 treatises | | | | |
Treatise 1, on antidotes and major creams (pastes) | |
| Chapter on the distinguished antidote and its composition | | | | |
| Another formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of snake pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Scilla maritime pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Androkhoron] pills | | | | |
| Another formulation for this pill | | | | |
| Chapter on [Methroditos] (formulated by this doctor) (an antidote) | | | | |
| Public formulation of [Methroditos] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Kofyon] used in [Methroditos] | | | | |
| Chapter on [Izra] antidote | | | | |
| Another formulation of [Izra] antidote | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Androkhoron] pills used in it | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the quadruple antidote | | | | |
| Chapter on salvation [khalass], it is the major savior | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Adromoumoa] used in the major savior | | | | |
| Chapter on [Bazrak Daro] (small seed medicine) cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the philosophers cream, called the substance of life | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [chiltha] and its benefits | | | | |
| Its combination from another formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Anoush Daro], an Indian medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on another Indian cream | | | | |
| Chapter on a cream known as [Jazi] | | | | |
| Chapter on another tried cream | | | | |
| Chapter on a great antidotal cream of our preparation | | | | |
| Chapter on a small antidotal cream of our preparation | | | | |
| Chapter on Caesar cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the great [Itreefal] (a myrobalan- electuary) | | | | |
| Chapter on the great [Zamharan](Indian medicine) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the small [Zamharan](Indian medicine) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Galen cream | | | | |
| Chapter on another arrangement of Galen cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Hermes cream | | | | |
| Chapter on Hermes cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Kaskabinj] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of musk cream | | | | |
| Chapter on another musk cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the musk medicine with absinth | | | | |
| Chapter on another musk medicine | | | | |
| Chapter onsweet musk medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on another musk medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on another musk medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on great [shajreena] | | | | |
| Chapter on minute [shajreena] | | | | |
| On another formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Amrosia] and its benefits | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Anacardium officinarium | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Anacardium officinarium cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another Anacardium officinarium cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of great [Ariston] and its interpretation is virtuous | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of minute [Ariston] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Dihmartha] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Bathmahraj] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Giathy] cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a yellow sound cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a black sound cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Abi Muslem] cream known as [Giathy] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of garlic cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of great [Athanasia] found in the wolf liver | | | | |
| Chapter on minute of [Athanasia ] cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the curcuma medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the curcuma medicine by Galen | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the great [lac] medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the minute [lac] medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [kooki] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Tarsousi Roumi Flonya](Flonya is name of a Dr.from Tarssous) | | | | |
| Chapter on maufacture of Persian [Flonya] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Persian winter cherry cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of bats medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Korkomaama] (a compound drug containing saffroun) (dregs of saffron oil) used in bats medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of sulfur medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of asafetida cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation on indian salt cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of inulia helenium cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [kabaz Al-Malek] (a Persian king) cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the great [Kaftargan] | | | | |
| Chapter on the small [Kaftargan] | | | | |
| Chapter on the great [Kilklanej] (an electuary against colic and dysury) | | | | |
| Chapter on the small [Kilklanej] (an electuary against colic and dysury) | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of [Fayruznoush] cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of the cream known as [Al-Kindi] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of water-mint cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of seeds cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of our ruby cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of another cream from the Galen medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a cream attributed to [Aristomakhis] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a cream attributed to [Sanites] | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of Gentiana cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of a medicine called a gift from God | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of another cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of a cream by [Keeyoma] the doctor | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of cream known as the princely | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of cream prescribed by [saymari] and said to have been tried | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of a tried fattening cream by us | | | | |
Treatise 2, thorough discourse on compound medicines (Divine medicines-Sacred aperient medicine) | |
| Chapter on a needed introduction | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the sacred bitter compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the blessed [logathia] compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the blessed [logathia] compound medicine, Philagrius transcription | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the blessed [ lougathia] compound medicine, Foulos(a doctor) transcription | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the sacred Roufos (a doctor) compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the compound medicine [Arkaganis], Public transcription | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the sacred [Arkaganis] medicine, Foulos transcription | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the great [Tiadritos] compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another [Tiadritos] compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another [Tiadritos] compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the sacred [Tiadritos] compound medicine with nutmeg | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a [Tiadritos] laxative compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the Galen compound medicines, public transcription | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the Galen compound medicine, Foulos transcription | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the Galen compound medicine [Ibn Saraphion] transcription | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the Hippocrates compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another Hippocrates medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Dr. [Andromakhos] compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the [Androkhos] compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the [Philagraous] compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the [yostous] (a doctor) compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the Antioch [Tamo] compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a compound medicine of ours | | | | |
Treatise 3, On laxative and non laxative pulverized (medicines) | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized cumin | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized cumin by Galen | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized [Ariskolytes] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized water-mint, Galen transcription | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized myrtle | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized [Kalkhuzi], which is good | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized [Al-Mutawakkel] attributed to [Salmowiyya] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another cumin (medicine) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another pulverized cumin | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized peppery (medicine) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized [phandadikon] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the pulverized [Al-khozi] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another form of pulverized [Al-khozi] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized [Khisrawi] (royal) known as the amber | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized [Shahrayaran] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized dried dates | | | | |
| Chapter on another form of pulverized dried dates | | | | |
| Chapter on another form of pulverized dried dates | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized musky [Fairuznoush] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized frankincense | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized myristica | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized archbishop | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the great iron slag | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the small iron slag | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized Anacardium | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized [Fanjiosh] (an electuary) which is the cream | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another [Fanjosh] (an electuary) with musk | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another [Fanjiosh] (an electuary) like the above | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of cooked iron slag | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of iron slag | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of iron slag | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of cooked iron slag | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pulverized musky quince | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized quince which purges the stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on another quince laxative | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized quince prepared from quince juice (extract) | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized quince | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of an Indian pulverized (medicine) | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized kings,(medicine) taken for a whole year | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation laxative pulverized convolvulus | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized sesame | | | | |
| Chapter on pulverized Pistacia terebinthus | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized asafetida (asafoetida) | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of pulverized asafetida (asafoetida) | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation the pulverized camphor | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of another pulverized camphor preparation | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of another pulverized camphor, stronger than the first | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized sapling | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized Cinnamum zeylanicum | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of a pulverized Indian (medicine) | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized ginger | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized musk | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized Citrus medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized Ceasar | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of pulverized Scincus officinalis | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of another pulverized (medicine) | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of a tried pulverized (medicine) of ours | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of the great pulverized [Itriphal] (a myrobalan-electuary) | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of a pulverized sapling of ours | | | | |
Teatise 4, on medicinal powders, dry medicines and mouth medicine for children (youths, boys) | |
| Chapter on fried (seeds) | | | | |
| Chapter on another powder | | | | |
| Chapter on a powder called Cinnamomum cassia | | | | |
| Chapter on another powder | | | | |
| Chapter on [ Ibada] powder | | | | |
| Chapter on another good powder | | | | |
| Chapter on oblong water melon dry medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on another powder | | | | |
| Chapter on Aristotle powder prescribed for Alexander | | | | |
| Chapter on [ Al –Barmaki] powder | | | | |
| Chapter on Scilla maritime powder | | | | |
| Chapter on mouth medicines for children (youths, boys) | | | | |
| Chapter on other mouth medicines for children (youths, boys) | | | | |
| Chapter on other mouth medicines for children (youths, boys) | | | | |
| Chapter on a dry medicine for excoriation | | | | |
| Chapter on a powder for the spleen | | | | |
| Chapter on another powder | | | | |
| Chapter on another powder | | | | |
| Chapter on another powder | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of a salt (medicine) | | | | |
| Chapter on the preparation of another salt (medicine) | | | | |
Treatise 5, On linctus (linctures) | |
| Chapter on a lincture prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another lincture | | | | |
| Chapter on another lincture | | | | |
| Chapter on poppy lincture prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on chalk lincture | | | | |
| Chapter on another chalk lincture preparation | | | | |
| Chapter on Scilla lincture | | | | |
| Chapter on garlic lincture | | | | |
| Chapter on another lincture | | | | |
| Chapter on pistacia terebinthus lincture | | | | |
Treatise 6, On potions and thickened juices | |
| Chapter on vinegar and honey which is oxymel prepared by the ancestors | | | | |
| Chapter on oxymel with seeds for the public | | | | |
| Chapter on preparatin of oxymel by Galen | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of our oxymel | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of oxymel, a cathartic for the bile | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of oxymel which reduces phlegm | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another oxymel which reduces melancholia | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Scilla maritima vinegar | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the laxative Scilla oxymel | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of julep (sugar syrup with rose water) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of honey and sugar water | | | | |
| Chapter on another formulation of honey water | | | | |
| Chapter on julep sugar syrup with rose water | | | | |
| Chapter on the prescription of Scilla syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on the prescription of a syrup with sea water | | | | |
| Chapter on the prescription of a quince syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on another prescription for the above | | | | |
| Chapter on the prescription of a syrups called [Adromali] (which is honey +aged rain water or water) | | | | |
| Chapter on the prescription of a syrups called [Mlomali] (which is honey with quince) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Khandikon] (heeling syrup) (which is mature wine + honey) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another [Khandikon] (heeling syrup) ( which is mature wine + honey) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [salmowiyya] syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of myrtle seeds syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of myrtle leaves syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of water-mint (Mentha aquatica) syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of pear syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of oxymel syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of apple syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of unripe grapes (sour grapes) | | | | |
| Chapter on formulation of another unripe grapes (sour grapes) with honey | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of fruit syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on formulation of a tasty Citrus medica syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of poppy (Papaver) syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on another prescription of poppy syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on another syrup formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on a honeycomb honey syrup by Galen | | | | |
| Chapter on another honeycomb honey syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of absinth syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on another prescription of absinth syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of absinth syrup of ours | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of fruit syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on another prescription of fruit syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of pear syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of [Democrates] syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of grape syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of [Rsaton] (grape juice +honey) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another formulation of absinth syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of apple, quince, pomegranate and other thickened juices | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of Pandanus odoratissimus, our formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on a formulation of a drink of ours | | | | |
| Chapter on a formulation of absinth syrup by us | | | | |
| Chapter on a formulation of another unripe grapes (sour grapes) syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of mature wines and their benefits | | | | |
| Chapter on mature wines | | | | |
| Chapter on wine with honey | | | | |
| Chapter on another formulation of wine with honey | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of aged rainwater and honey | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of carob (Ceratonia siliqua) and Crataegus azarolus syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of wild vine flowers syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of pomegranate syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of rose water syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of myrtle syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of resin syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of [kotran] (resin from coniferae) syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of a conifer resin syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of wall germader syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of of thyme (Thymus) syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of condiments (spices) syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of Helenium (Inula) syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of Asarum europaeumsyrup | | | | |
| Chapter on wild Valeriana syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of Daucus carota syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of Opopanax syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of celery (Apium) syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of Daphne mesereum syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of Convolvulus sacamonia syrup | | | | |
Treatise 7, On jams and honeys | |
| Chapter on a prescription of rose and honey | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of Citrus medica jam | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of another Citrus medica jam | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of quince jam | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of quince jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of carrot jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Phyllanthus emblica (emblic myrobalan) jam | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of Phyllanthus emblica jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Pastinaca schekakul RUS jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of ginger jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pear jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of turnip jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of almond jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Commiphora twigs jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Phyllanthus emblica jam | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of apple jam good for ejection | | | | |
Treatise 8, On pills, our discourse on this subsection is like the precedent one | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Kawkab] (talc) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of rose pills for the public | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of rose pills for [Asklypiades] (Greek God of medicine) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of rose pills with Convolvulus sacamonia | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of rose pills with chalk | | | | |
| Chapter on rose pills called [Danizwarda] | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of rose pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of rose pills with valerian (all-heal) | | | | |
| Chapter on camphor pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of camphor pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of camphor pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of camphor pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of camphor pill of ours | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of chalk pills with manna | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of chalk pills with Rumex (Oxalis) seeds | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of barberry (berberry, Berberis vulgaris) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of barberry pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of barberry pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of barberrypills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of barberry pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of barberry pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of barberry pills of ours | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of absinth pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of absinth pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preaparation of Agrirmonia eupatoria pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Capparis pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of lac (gum lac) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of winter cherry (physalis alkekenge) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of winter cherry (Physalis alkekenge) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Rheum pills | | | | |
| Chapter on a pill prepared by [Abu molyis] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Myoun] pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of a pill | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Andromakhis] (a doctor) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of [Andromakhis ] (a doctor) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Al – Kindi] (a doctor) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Al- Barmaki] (a doctor) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Mazonone] pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Mazonone] pills, written [Mazonosh] | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Rosonone] (i.e. Rose) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation of [Rosonone] (ie. Rose) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Marweesh] pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of poppy [Papaver] pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of pomegranate blossoms pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Dispolydos] pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of [Andron] pills, [Asiklipaous] (a doctor) version | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of another pill | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of anise pill | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a good laxative pill | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of seeds pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a pill by the ancients | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a rose pill | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of laxative rose pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of rose and Agrimoniaeupatoria pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of lac (gum lac) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of madder (Rubia) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of Cuscuta (dodder) pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of the ten medicines pills | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of other pills | | | | |
Treatise 9, on cooked (vegetables) and cereals | |
| Chapter on roots water of cooked roots | | | | |
| Chapter on another roots water of cooked roots | | | | |
| Chapter on cooked absinth | | | | |
| Chapter on cooked Agrimonia eupatoria | | | | |
| Chapter on seeds | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the greater putrid pill | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation showing the greater putrid pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the smaller putrid pill | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of putrid pill by [Al-Kindi] | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the greater Fumaria officinalis pills | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the smaller Fumariaofficinalis pills | | | | |
| Chapter on showing another preparation of the Fumaria pills | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the Agrimonia eupatoria pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the (success) pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the [Jathleek] (a prelate) pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the [Al – Douri] pill from [Al-Fahlaman] book | | | | |
| Chapter on showing another pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing Croton tiglium pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing a laxative salted pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing [Astamhykon] pill by [Al-Kindi] | | | | |
| Chapter on showing [Al-Barmaki] (a doctor) pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing [Ibn Al –Harth] (a doctor) pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing [Ibn Hubayra] (a doctor) pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the comprehensive pill by [Ibn Al-Jahm] | | | | |
| Chapter on showingEuphorbiapills | | | | |
| Chapter on showing another pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing another pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing another pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing another pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing [Skabeenej] (gum Arabic) pill | | | | |
| Chapter on showing Opopanarx chironium pill by [Salmowiyah] | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the Euphorbia pills | | | | |
| Chapter on showing the Indian pill which acts with musk | | | | |
Treatise 10, on ointments | |
| Chapter on action Valeriana (Valerian) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of storax ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of the Matricoria ( camomile) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of lentiscus (Pistacia) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of sun-dried absinth ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of anet (dill) (Anethum graveolens) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of Iris ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of Lilium candidum ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of caltrop (Tribulus) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of another preparation of caltrop (Tribulus) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of (black) snakes ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of [Ramsh Dad] ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of Inula helenium ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of another Inula helenium ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of [Barikar] ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of a Sind ointment called [Abu-Smad] | | | | |
| Chapter on action of the great Ricinus communis (Ricinus major) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on extraction of the oil (of Ricinus) | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of simple Ricinus oil | | | | |
| Chapter on action of pumpkin ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of bush basil (Ocimum minimum) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of an ointment for the ear | | | | |
| Chapter on action of another ointment for the ear | | | | |
| Chapter on action of [ philphylath ] ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on another preparation | | | | |
| Chapter on the action of egg ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of [Kilkilanej] (an electuary against colic and dysury) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on the action of saffoun ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of Usnea (tree moss) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of Euphorbia ointment of ours | | | | |
| Chapter on action of [ Damamon] meaning made up of ten mixtures, ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of the anemone (anemony) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of simple ointments | | | | |
| Chapter on action of bitter almond ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of quercus ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on the action ofHyoscyamus ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of Urtica (netle) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of Laurus nobilis (laurel) ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of lemon grass ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of rose ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of Iris ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of chrysanthemum ointment | | | | |
| Chapter onaction of Artemisia herba-alba ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of Trigonella ointment | | | | |
| Chapter on action of marjoram ointment | | | | |
Treatise 11, on ceruse (lotions) (creams) and bandages (dressings) | |
| Chapter on white lead (ceruse) cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the great [Baslykon] (royal) cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the small [Baslykon] (royal) cream | | | | |
| Chapter on white lead with vinegar | | | | |
| Chapter on burnt lead with vinegar cream | | | | |
| Chapter on verdigris cream | | | | |
| Chapter on [Kalkidyse ] cream called [phonyki] by Galen | | | | |
| Chapter on black cream | | | | |
| Chapter on [Diakhilone] cream | | | | |
| Chapter on a red cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the apostles cream | | | | |
| Chapter on cinnabar cream | | | | |
| Chapter on kermes cream | | | | |
| Chapter on the cautery cream | | | | |
| Chapter on a cream tried by [Al-Zarnaji] | | | | |
| Chapter on stating bandages, we start with the [Aandromakhes] bandages | | | | |
| Chapter on a miraculous bandage attributed to [Aandromakhes] | | | | |
| Chapter on another bandage | | | | |
| Chapter on Philagrius bandage | | | | |
| Chapter on another cream | | | | |
| Chapter on a cream using colocynth (bitter apple) fat | | | | |
| Chapter on a cream using Cardamine (or Lepidium satrium) | | | | |
Treatise 12, on mentioning creams (pastes), pulverized components (crushed), and other compound medicines suitable for specific organs | |
| Chapter on the cold head | | | | |
| Chapter on the heavy head | | | | |
| Chapter on what clarifies the head | | | | |
| Chapter on migraine | | | | |
| Chapter on amnesia (oblivion) and memory and mind | | | | |
| Chapter on obsession and alien (lunacy) | | | | |
| Chapter on what strengthens the senses | | | | |
| Chapter on epilepsy | | | | |
| Chapter on apoplexy (apoplexia) | | | | |
| Chapter on hemiplegia and atony (slackness) of the organs | | | | |
| Chapter on tremor (shiver) | | | | |
| Chapter on spasm | | | | |
| Chapter on eye pain (opthalmodynia) | | | | |
| Chapter on water (liquid) in the eye | | | | |
| Chapter on ear pain (otitic) | | | | |
| Chapter on toothache (odontalgia) | | | | |
| Chapter on correction of stutter and tongue looseness | | | | |
| Chapter on faucos (throat, gullet , gorge, pharynx) swellings and pains | | | | |
| Chapter on what strengthens the heart | | | | |
| Chapter on palpitation | | | | |
| Chapter on syncope (fainting) | | | | |
| Chapter on what clarifies the trachea (windpipe) and the chest | | | | |
| Chapter on raucedo (hoarseness) and voice cessation | | | | |
| Chapter on breathing difficulty | | | | |
| Chapter on asthma and breath rise | | | | |
| Chapter on chest and lung and epigastria pains | | | | |
| Chapter on chronic cough | | | | |
| Chapter on blood bleeding (hemophilia) and hemoptysis and blood ejection and pus (matter) draining | | | | |
| Chapter on the cold liver | | | | |
| Chapter on liver pain (hepatalgia) (hepatodynia) | | | | |
| Chapter on weak liver and what strengthens it | | | | |
| Chapter on liver swelling (hepatoma) (hepatauxe) | | | | |
| Chapter on liver sclerose | | | | |
| Chapter on liver and spleen scleroses | | | | |
| Chapter on edema (dropsy) and its early stage (first appearance) | | | | |
| Chapter on bad temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on the first appearance of a bad temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on weak stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on its (stomach) rottenness (putridity) and its atony (chalasia) | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits it (stomach) | | | | |
| Chapter on its (stomach) atony (chalasia) | | | | |
| Chapter on the hot stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on the cold stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on stomach humidity | | | | |
| Chapter on stomach pain (stomachalgia) (stomachodynia) | | | | |
| Chapter on stomach flatus | | | | |
| Chapter on stomach sclerose | | | | |
| Chapter on appetite | | | | |
| Chapter on bulimia | | | | |
| Chapter on digestion (indigestion) (dyspepsia) | | | | |
| Chapter on emesis (emesia) and nausea (eclysis) | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits polydipsia nausea | | | | |
| Chapter on lien | | | | |
| Chapter on what opens its (lien) obstruction | | | | |
| Chapter on cold intestines | | | | |
| Chapter on the colon and its hard (solid) nature | | | | |
| Chapter on colon pain (colonalgia) | | | | |
| Chapter on what softens its nature | | | | |
| Chapter on dense laxatives | | | | |
| Chapter on retention (restriction) of diarrhea | | | | |
| Chapter on blood and pus flowing | | | | |
| Chapter on intestine ulcers and paratrimma | | | | |
| Chapter on gripe (colic = colicia) | | | | |
| Chapter on breech pain | | | | |
| Chapter on hemorrhoids | | | | |
| Chapter on kidney (nephralgia) and urocyst (urinary bladder) pains | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits (remedy) regarding their coolness (kidney & urocyst) | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits their pain (kidney & urocyst) | | | | |
| Chapter on clears the kidney and urocyst | | | | |
| Chapter on loosening the urocyst | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits urocyst pain | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits blood and pus in the urine | | | | |
| Chapter on enuresis (incontinence) and urine drip | | | | |
| Chapter on calculus (stone) | | | | |
| Chapter on cold uterus | | | | |
| Chapter on uterus flatus | | | | |
| Chapter on uteralgia (uterodymia) | | | | |
| Chapter on uterus obstruction | | | | |
| Chapter on uterus stiffness | | | | |
| Chapter on putridity of menstruation | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits the pregnant and safeguards the embryo | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits joint pains and gout (arthrolithiasis) and sciatica | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits sciatica | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits back pain (backalgia) | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits back bone pain | | | | |
| Chapter on what benefits sockets of joints | | | | |
Subsection two of the Formulary | |
| Chapter on tried medicines regarding each disease (sickness, illness) | | | | |
Treatise 1, on states of the head and brain | |
| Chapter on headache | | | | |
| Chapter on a pill prescription used by [Antonos] | | | | |
| Chapter on a snuff prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another snuff | | | | |
| Chapter on another snuff | | | | |
| Chapter on a snuff prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another snuff | | | | |
| Chapter on a compound medicine (laxative) prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a compound medicine (laxative) prescription attributed to [Ustos] | | | | |
| Chapter on another compound medicine (laxative) prescription attributed to [Drios] | | | | |
| Chapter on a sound (healthy) pill prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another pill prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another pill prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on water of cooked roots prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a cooked prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on hemicrania (migraine) | | | | |
| Prescription of a medicine for chronic migraine | | | | |
Treatise 2, on the eye and related diseases | |
| Chapter on ophthalmia (conjunctivitis) and oozing into the eye | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription called the sleep inducer | | | | |
| Chapter on Erasistratus medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a liniment by [Philoksanes] ( a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription called the kindle | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription used before bathing | | | | |
| Chapter on another suppository prescription used before bathing by [Arimyas Al Kahhal] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on a successful suppository prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription by Galen, known as the simple synthesis | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription called the pelican composed by a woman queen | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription known as the aestivate | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription called “the invincible planet” | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of [Bawokratos] | | | | |
| Chapter on suppository prescription known as the rose by [Bilss](a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on another rose suppository prescription known as the pleasant (agreeable) | | | | |
| Chapter on a rose suppository prescription by [Tarantinos] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on another rose suppository prescription by [Diagoras], called The great suppository | | | | |
| Chapter on a successful suppository prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription known as the apple | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription known by the name of its formulator [Suryas] ( a doctor) , and it is a successful suppository | | | | |
| Chapter on an aerial suppository prescription known as the Indian | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription known as the red dried powder | | | | |
| Chapter on a lotion (cream) prescription applied to the eye | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a kohl (eyeliner) called [Astatikone] | | | | |
| Chapter on a kohl prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on eye ulcers and pistules and pus | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription attributed to [mahour] | | | | |
| Chapter on a rose suppository for cornea laceration | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository for a canthus fistula by [Sourias] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on a yellow suppository prescription known as the counter turbidity | | | | |
| Chapter on a miraculous kohl | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a powder prescription for albedo (whiteness) | | | | |
| Chapter on a tried kohl prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a successful suppository prescription for lacrima by [Sourias] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on Egyptian Coptic suppository prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another suppository prescription called [Aristosamone] | | | | |
| Chapter on a yellow successful suppository prescription called [Phabits] | | | | |
| Chapter on eye scabies and itch | | | | |
| Chapter on [Fakitone] kohl prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on [Abou Lwinios] suppository | | | | |
| Chapter on water and hair in the eye | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine by [Bolosios] | | | | |
| Chapter on a liniment prescription by [Philoksanes] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository known as the Indian and royal | | | | |
| Chapter on another kohl prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on loss of sight | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription which was used by [Folos] | | | | |
| Chapter on [Bastikon] medicine prescription which is the royal | | | | |
| Chapter on another [Baslikon] prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on coldness (chilliness) prescription | | | | |
Treatise 3, on the ear and related diseases | |
| Chapter on pain and swelling and pus and heaviness in the ear | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription prescribed by Galen | | | | |
| Chapter on an ear medicine prescription from Galen medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription from the medicines of [Brotanes] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription for the ear | | | | |
| Chapter on [Antiphatos] medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription called [Jalahroni] | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on iron slag medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on nose ulcers called [Sakrmoses] | | | | |
Treatise 4, on states of the teeth and related matters | |
| Teeth pains | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription which relieves pain | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription which was prescribed by [Andromakhos] | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on the molar | | | | |
| Chapter on the color of teeth | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription called [sournitjan] | | | | |
| Chapter on a tooth powder prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
Treatise 5, on the mouth and the throat (gutter, pharynx) and the upper abdomen | |
| Chapter on croup and angina | | | | |
| Chapter on uvula and tonsils | | | | |
| Chapter on the upper abdomen | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription for the throat | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription for the throat attributed to [Balawistos] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription for the throat by Galen | | | | |
| Chapter on a beneficial pill prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on dribble prescription for the cough | | | | |
| Chapter on the priest (pastor) prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another pill prescription for the cough | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription for the cough | | | | |
| Chapter on pine seeds electuary prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another electuary prescription made with Pistacia terebinthus | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another electuary prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a pill prescription for blood expectoration (hemoptysis) by a doctor from [Nabouls] | | | | |
| Chapter on another pill prescription called [Folfoli] | | | | |
| Chapter on a beneficial cream prescription attributed to [Aristomakhes] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on a beneficial syrup prescription attributed to [Khariklanes] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another pill prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another pill prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on tuberculosis and pulmonary ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on states of the heart | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
Treatise 6, onstates of the lower abdomen | |
| Chapter on weakness of the stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on a beneficial medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a shake prescription which strengthens the stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on a bandage (dressing) prescription for a solid swelling in the stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on a compound medicine (laxative) prescription for those suffering from a gastric disease (having a stomach ache) attributed to [Antiafetros] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on a pill prescription called [Amazorish] pills | | | | |
| Chapter on a pulverized prescription attributed to [Thamisone](a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on a [Bolwarkhes] bandage prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription called [Dabeed Irsa] (Iris cream) | | | | |
| Chapter on a pulverized caraway prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a pulverized galingale prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on preparation of a paste which cuts off the natural appetite | | | | |
| Chapter on a syrup prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on liver swellings prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on liver hardness (firmness) | | | | |
| Chapter on bad temperament of the liver | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicinal powder prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on jaundice (icterus) | | | | |
| Chapter on another prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another strong prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another strong prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a beneficial medicine prescription for liver hardness (firmness) | | | | |
| Chapter on an injection (or enema) | | | | |
| Chapter on relieving the bowels (stomach) | | | | |
| Chapter on a pulverized prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a fruit syrup prescription | | | | |
| Cahtper on excoriation and ulcers in the intestines | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription attributed to [Lokios] from Tartos | | | | |
| Chapter on a injection (or enema) prescription used by Galen | | | | |
| Chapter on spice (condiment) pills prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicinal powder prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on an injection (or enema) for excoriation | | | | |
| Chapter on another miraculous medicine prescription for the colon | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription for the colon, found by Galen in a book by [Benkosakratis] called [Asomanowis] | | | | |
| Chapter on buttock atony and excoriation | | | | |
| Chapter on nephrolith | | | | |
| Chapter on a cream prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on cystolith | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine prescription of ours | | | | |
| Chapter on a calculifragus formulation pills which fragmentize the calculus in the urocyst and the kidney | | | | |
| Chapter on a calculifrages cream prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on urine dripping | | | | |
| Chapter on weak diffusion and appetite | | | | |
| Chapter on an Indian pulverized prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a cream prescription applied to the pubis and the penis and around the kidneys | | | | |
| Chapter on coldness of the uterus (matrix) | | | | |
| Chapter on hardness of the uterus | | | | |
Treatise 7, on joints pains and gout (arthrolithiasis) and sciatica | |
| Chapter on a bandage prescription for joint pains and gout (arthrolithiasis) | | | | |
| Chapter on a cream | | | | |
| Chapter on a beneficial pill prescription which acts by Bryonia (bryony)(It is a medicine known as [Hazarjishan] (Bryony) | | | | |
| Chapter on another pill prescription which acts by henna | | | | |
| Chapter on another beneficial medicine prescription good for sciatica | | | | |
| Chapter on a beneficial prescription for gout | | | | |
Treatise 8, on alopecia (loss of hair) | |
| Chapter on a stain prescription for alopecia | | | | |
| Chapter on black pigment | | | | |
Treatise 9, on measures and weights by [Kanash Al Saher] | | | | |
Treatise 10, on stating measures and weights by [Kanash Youhanna Bin Srafyon] | | | | |
(In the pages of the books,
clicking the left half of the page brings up the next page and the
right half, the previous.)