Book IV: Diseases involving more than one member.
The cosmetic art
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Part 1 of the seven parts, General discourse on fevers, 2 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on one day fever | |
| Chapter on essential nature (substance) of fever | | | | |
| Chapter on those prone to fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on timings of fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on recognizing timings of the disease especially its termination (ending) | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on one day fevers | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Signs of transformation of a one day fever | | | | |
| Signs of transmittance of a one day fever to other kinds of fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of one day fevers in general | | | | |
| Chapter on kinds of one day fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on depression (sadness) fever | | | | |
| Treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to worry (concern) | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to excessive cogitation | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to anger | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to staying up (awake) at night | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to sleep and relaxation | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to excessive joy | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to being afraid (scared frightened, terrified) | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to fatigue (exhaustion) | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to vomiting | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to pain | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to fainting (syncope) | | | | |
| Sign | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to hunger | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to thurst | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to infarction | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to fullness (dyspepsia) | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to swellings | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to living in misery (neglecting daily habits [like bathing]) | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to heat | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to cold water [bathing in] | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to astringent water | | | | |
| Sign | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to alcoholic drinks | | | | |
| Chapter on a one day fever due to (hot) foods | | | | |
Treatise 2, general discourse on fevers due to putridity | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on signs of fevers due to putridity | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of persistent (fever) | | | | |
| Chapter on points (issues) some of which differ and some are in common with putridity fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of fevers symptoms | | | | |
| Chapter on discourse on ague (feverish chill) and coldness (chilliness) and shivering and (to feel as if) fragmented | | | | |
| Chapter on indicating full treatment of putridity fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishing those having fever | | | | |
| Chapter on code regarding drinking oxymel and barely water | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments, first on treatments of severe fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on mentioning symptoms which intensify in severe fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on managing ague (feverish chill) and shivering and coldness (chilliness) when becoming excessive | | | | |
| Chapter on managing excessive sweating in fevers` | | | | |
| Chapter on managing excessive nose bleeding | | | | |
| Chapter on managing excessive vomiting which afflicts them | | | | |
| Chapter on managing diarrhea which afflicts them | | | | |
| Chapter on managing their excessive thirst | | | | |
| Chapter on lethargy which afflicts them | | | | |
| Chapter on managing their head heaviness | | | | |
| Chapter on insomnia (sleeplessness) of those with fever and others | | | | |
| Chapter on abdomen pain | | | | |
| Chapter on roughness (coarseness) or viscidity of their tongues | | | | |
| Chapter on their insistent sneezing | | | | |
| Chapter on their headaches | | | | |
| Chapter on managing their coughing | | | | |
| Chapter on their loss of appetite (anorexia) | | | | |
| Chapter on their bulimia | | | | |
| Chapter on blackness of their tongue | | | | |
| Chapter on fainting (syncope) which afflicts them | | | | |
| Chapter on their having difficulty in breathing | | | | |
| Chapter on their intense anguish | | | | |
| Chapter on difficulty in swallowing which afflicts them | | | | |
| Chapter on coldness of their limbs which afflicts them | | | | |
| Chapter on general discourse on biliary fever | | | | |
| Chapter on tertian fever called [Taritaos] | | | | |
| Treatment of the true tertian fever | | | | |
| The accompanying symptoms of tertian fever | | | | |
| Treatment of the untrue tertian fever | | | | |
| Chapter on burning fever known as [Farikos] | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment of the burning fever | | | | |
| A good tried pill | | | | |
| Chapter on blood fever | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment of blood fever | | | | |
| On their nourishment | | | | |
| Chapter on phlegmatic fever | | | | |
| Signs of the phlegmatic fever known as [Amphimirnous] | | | | |
| Signs of the persistent fever called [lathqa] | | | | |
| Chapter on the fever in which chilliness is concealed and hotness is apparent [Igialos] | | | | |
| Chapter on the fever in which hotness in concealed and chillness is apparent, known as[Lygoria] | | | | |
| Chapter on the fever in which each of the 2 states is found in one of the 2 locations | | | | |
| Chapter on the humor trance (or syncopic) fever | | | | |
| Chapter on the day and night fever of the phlegmatic (fever) | | | | |
| Treatment of the phlegmatic | | | | |
| Prescription of the Ipomoea turpenthum R.BR medicine | | | | |
| Good tried pills | | | | |
| Good tried cooked Prescription | | | | |
| On their nourishments | | | | |
| Rectification of their discharge if in excess | | | | |
| Rectification of their diarrhea if in excess | | | | |
| A pill for fever accompanied by chillness | | | | |
| Treatment of the phlegmatic (fever) known as the persistent fever | | | | |
| Treatment of [Anphyalos] and [Lygoria] | | | | |
| Treatment of the humour trance (or syncopic) fever | | | | |
| Treatment of the thin delicate tender trance (or syncopic) fever | | | | |
| Managing the day and night (fever) | | | | |
| Chapter of the quartan fever known as[ Titratlos] | | | | |
| On signs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Also a pill with its prescription | | | | |
| Mentioning of laxatives they need | | | | |
| Prescription of a light pill | | | | |
| Nourishment of those with persistent quartan fever | | | | |
| Treatment of persistnet quartan fever | | | | |
| Chapter on fifth, sixth and seventh fevers and the like, known as phymatos in Greek, and others call it Dawara | | | | |
| Treatment of these kinds of fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on the hectic fever | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Signs of flag (whithering) | | | | |
| Treatment of the hectic fever | | | | |
| Cooling medicines | | | | |
| Another regimen | | | | |
| Soothing medicines | | | | |
| On nourishing those with hectic fever | | | | |
| On rectifying the states following hectic fever | | | | |
| On formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on old age hectic fever | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Treatment of old age hectic fever | | | | |
| Chapter on epidermic fevers and the like, that is smallpox (variola) and measles (Rubeola) | | | | |
| Discourse on epidemic fevers | | | | |
| Signs | | | | |
| Signs of the epidemic | | | | |
| Treatments of the epidemic fever | | | | |
| Protection from an epidemic | | | | |
| Chapter on smallpox (Variola) | | | | |
| Signs of smallpox | | | | |
| Chapter on measles (Rubeola) | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Its formulation | | | | |
| In winter, should have a continuous fire of tamarix | | | | |
| Chapter on taking care of the organs and precautions against smallpox and measles (rubeola) | | | | |
| Chapter on removing the traces of smallpox | | | | |
| Chapter on fevers due to swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on their signs and sequences | | | | |
| Their treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on states of compound fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on tertian and phlegmatic fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of tertian and phlegmatic fevers | | | | |
| In this fever the third day is like the first and the fourth is like the second | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of tertian and phlegmatic fevers | | | | |
| Its formulation | | | | |
| Another for the inflamed | | | | |
| Other pills | | | | |
| Another good formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on relapse | | | | |
Part 2, on presenting information and principles on delirium, 2 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on delirium and ways to identify it, and identify the good and the bad one | |
| Chapter on delirium, what is it, and on its sections and sequences | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on signs of delirium | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of matter movement upwards, in delirium | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of vomit | | | | |
| Chapter on detailing all these signs | | | | |
| Chapter on the sequence of these mentioned common signs and on particular (signs) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of the tendency of matter to turn to sweat | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of the tendency of matter to turn to the urinary organs | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of the tendency of matter to turn to the excrement path | | | | |
| Chapter on signs indicating that delirium may be from the womb (due menstruation) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs indicating that delirium is due to swelling in the blood vessels of the buttocks | | | | |
| Chapter on signs that delirium is shifting | | | | |
| Chapter on sign that shifting is downwards | | | | |
| Chapter on sign that shifting is upwards | | | | |
| Chapter on signs that it is developing into a different disease | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of an abscessed delirium | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of such abscess | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of convulsions (spasms) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a feverish chill | | | | |
| Chapter on signs indicating a good delirium | | | | |
| Chapter on signs indicating a bad delirium | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of signs indicating bad delirium | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of full development and its sequences | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of signs in general | | | | |
| Chapter on mentioning the good signs | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of the bad signs | | | | |
| Chapter on mentioning the bad signs | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs related to appearance and color | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the headache | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs derived from the senses | | | | |
| Chapter on signs in the eye | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the nose | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the ear | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the teeth | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the tongue and mouth and what follows | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the states of the throat and the esophagus and surroundings | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived form the stomach and its tip | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs derived from the breathing organs | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the shape of the blood vessels | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs derived from slackening of the body and recumbency and feebleness | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from situation of recumbency | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs derived from the skin | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the abdomen and around the epigastrium | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the buttocks | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the penis and the testicles | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the wombs | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs derived from the limbs | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from timing of sleep and wakefulness | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs derived from the action of the hand | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from pains | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the voice and speech and silence | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the brain | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from movements | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from delusions | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from yawning and stretching | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from dreams | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from appetite and thurst | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences and deductions from jaundice | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from shape of pustule and the like | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from the shape of blood vessels | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from feverish chills | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of vomiting | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of sweating | | | | |
| Chapter on abundant sweating | | | | |
| Chapter on difference in sweating among organs and the contrary | | | | |
| Chapter on difference in sweating states and others | | | | |
| Chapter on days with abundant sweating and those with little (sweating) | | | | |
| Chapter on indications from states of the sweat | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from sweating | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from pulse | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of nosebleeding | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from nosebleeding | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from sneeze | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of feces | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of vomit | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from vomit | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of the urine | | | | |
| Chapter on urinary signs derived from little or abundant (urine) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from thinness of urine | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived form thickness of components and turbidity (of urine) | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of white urine in severe diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on black urine in severe diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on the red color of urine in severe diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived form urinary sediment | | | | |
| Chapter on signs derived from gathered states due to different signs in color and urine components, and first in fatty urines | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs derived from the way the urine separates | | | | |
| Chapter on several bad signs in urine | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs in sick people when different signs get assembled in one sick person | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a long duration sickness | | | | |
| Chapter on signs that sickness will be over following a delirium or a release | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of a relapse | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a relapse | | | | |
| Chapter on causes of death | | | | |
| Chapter on types of death which afflict during fevers and signs on how thesick will die | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of death without delirium | | | | |
| Chapter on states of exposure (to a relapse), after convalescence | | | | |
| Chapter on managing the convalescent | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishing the convalescent | | | | |
| Chapter on actions of sickness | | | | |
Treatise 2, of part 2, on timings of delirium, its days (duration), and its fits | |
| Chapter on initiation of illness, and reckoning its start | | | | |
| Chapter on cause of delirium days and fits | | | | |
| Chapter on comparing delirium days with each other regarding strength, weakness and in comparison to illnesses | | | | |
| Chapter on delirium days of middle category | | | | |
| Chapter on delirium days of middle category and its weakness | | | | |
| Chapter on good and bad days in sequence whether delirious or set in the middle or warning days | | | | |
| Chapter on days which are not delirious, and not in the first or second categories | | | | |
| Chapter on warning days | | | | |
| Chapter on knowing the delirium days if in doubt | | | | |
| Chapter on illustrating the relationship between delirium days and most illness | | | | |
Part 3, Comprehensive discourse on swelling and pustules, 3 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on the hot and bad (swellings and pustules) | |
| Chapter on hot swellings and pustules | | | | |
| Chapter on phlegmonous (phlelgmonosis) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of phlegmonous | | | | |
| Chapter on erysipelas and its types | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of erysipelas | | | | |
| Chapter on millet dartre | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of dartre | | | | |
| Chapter on millet darter from the darter types | | | | |
| Chapter on carbuncle and persian fire (erysipelas) and others | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of the carbuncle and Persian fire | | | | |
| Chapter on blisters (vesicants) and swellings (intumescences) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of blisters (vesicants) and swellings (intumescences) | | | | |
| - Prescription of a compound medicine | | | | |
| - A good tried old medicine adopted by some contemporary (people) | | | | |
| Chapter on Cnidosis | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of cnidosis | | | | |
| Chapter on gangrenous sore and deterioration of an organ and difference between gangrene and bone decay gangrene | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on plagues | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on swellings in the glands | | | | |
| Chapter on hot abscess (abscessus) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs indicating if the swelling is an abscess | | | | |
| Chapter on indications of maturity and its sign | | | | |
| Chapter on states of pus | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of an interior abscess | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of maturity of the interior abscess | | | | |
| Chapter on signs indicating closeness of the interior (abscess) to outburst | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of external abscess | | | | |
| Chapter on managing the maturity and using artifice to cause suppuration inan external abscess | | | | |
| Chapter on managing external abscess when mature | | | | |
| Chapter on outburst of external (abscess) | | | | |
| Chapter on managing an internal abscess | | | | |
| Chapter on the furuncles | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of furuncles | | | | |
| Chapter on hemorrhoids | | | | |
Treatise 2, on cold swellings and what goes on with it of cold humors and what goes on with it in the body, of phlegm and melancholia and flatus and the compound ones, which are known | |
| Chapter on phlegmatic loose swelling known as edema | | | | |
| Chapter on the treatment of a loose swelling | | | | |
| Chapter on chap | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of chap | | | | |
| Chapter on glands (glandular swellings) | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on glandular pustules | | | | |
| Chapter on swelling behind the ear [Fojthela] | | | | |
| Chapter on scrofula (king’s evil) | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Prescription of a good medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on solid swellings | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on rheumatism | | | | |
| Chapter on what is known as cornes (on the toes) | | | | |
| Chapter on cancer | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on managing to loosen it | | | | |
| Chapter on mentioning topical medicines for cancer | | | | |
| Chapter on flatulence swellings and distention of muscles | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Good moderate lotion | | | | |
| Chapter on [Madini] vein | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
Treatise 3, on leprosy | |
| Chapter on what is leprosy and its cause | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Cooked [medicine] for leprotics | | | | |
| Formulation of a snuff | | | | |
| Compound medicines good for them | | | | |
| Cream formulation known as [Bizrijli Al Akbar] (grand bizri- acompound medicine) | | | | |
| Cream formulation [Al Salakha] base on (urine of the Ibex-mountain goat) | | | | |
| Burned steel formulation | | | | |
| Formulation known as [Al Salakha al soughra] (based on urine of the Ibex-mountain goat) | | | | |
| A good medicine formulation for leprosy | | | | |
| A leprosy liniment formulation | | | | |
| Another liniment formulation | | | | |
Part 4, On loss of continuity, except what is related to fracture and splinting, 4 treatises | |
Treatise 1, general discourse on wounds (cuts, injuries) | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on loss of continuity | | | | |
| Chapter on generalities regarding wounds (cuts) | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on treatment of wounds | | | | |
| Chapter on defining the strength of medicines which promote (growth) and which fuse and which are erosive | | | | |
| Chapter on slitting open the wound and other if it is to be uncovered | | | | |
| Chapter on managing wounds with swellings and with pain | | | | |
| Chapter on managing wounds of bowels, internal and apparent (external) | | | | |
| Chapter on method to swathe wounds | | | | |
| Chapter on medicines which fuse wounds | | | | |
| Chapter on medicines which heal and seal wounds and others | | | | |
| Prescription of a linen cream | | | | |
| Prescription of a mild powder | | | | |
| Another powder | | | | |
| Prescription of a cream for wounds in elderly people | | | | |
| Chapter on medicines promoting flesh formulation in wounds and ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of fracture wounds | | | | |
Treatise 2, On tears and bruises and lacerations and dislocations and tumble and collision and rupture and bleeding and the like | |
| Chapter on preface | | | | |
| Chapter on laceration and rend | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on tumble and stumbling with a stone or a wall or other | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Prescription of a good pill | | | | |
| Prescription of a tried compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on tumble and hit on the stomach and the intestines | | | | |
| Chapter on someone hit with a whip and the like and his treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation | | | | |
| Chapter on tears including tear of the sole | | | | |
| Chapter on pricking and ruptures, and extracting out any thorns, arrows and bones | | | | |
| Chapter on pulling (drawing) medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on the code of treatment of fire burns | | | | |
| Chapter on burn medicines of the first degree | | | | |
| Chapter on burn medicines of the second degree | | | | |
| Another formulation of a lime (depilatory agent) cream | | | | |
| Chapter on burns due to boiling water | | | | |
| Chapter on blood bleeding and clotting | | | | |
| Chapter on the code of treating blood bleeding | | | | |
| Chapter on formulations for different compound medicines effective in stopping bleeding | | | | |
Treatise 3, on ulcers and related kinds | |
| Chapter on general discourse on ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on the code for treating ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of pus ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of dirty ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of cavernous ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of maggots (worms) in ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on promoting flesh formation in ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of eaten away ulcers with no rot | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of rotten and bad ulcers | | | | |
| Formulation of a compound medicine | | | | |
| A tried medicine of highest degree | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of a difficult – to heal ulcers and on extremely bad ulcers | | | | |
| Prescription of a medicine gathered by Galen and others | | | | |
| Prescription of a good golden cream | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of fistulas and skins which don’t heal | | | | |
| A prescription of a medicine used by Alexandrians | | | | |
| Chapter on extra flesh on wounds | | | | |
| Chapter on managing of catabolic ulcers after healing | | | | |
| Chapter on ulcer and wound scars | | | | |
Treatise 4, on loss of continuity in nerves, and what is not related to mending due to loss of continuity of bones. | |
| Chapter on wounds of the nerve and what follows and nerve ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on code of treatment of loss of continuity of nerves | | | | |
| Chapter on medicines for nerve and ulcer wounds | | | | |
| Chapter on swells which afflict a wounded nerve | | | | |
| Chapter on bruise and dislocation of the nerve | | | | |
| Chapter on stiffness and bending of the nerve | | | | |
| Chapter on stating bone diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on malignant ulcer (usually happens in the pollex) and bone decay | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of bone decay | | | | |
| Chapter on its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on removing (flesh) from decayed bones | | | | |
| Chapter on what remains from bone splinters in healed ulcers | | | | |
| Its formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on medicines for broken bones | | | | |
| A liniment for bone fracture and dislocation | | | | |
| A medicine beneficial for bone fracture and dislocation accompanied by a hot swelling | | | | |
Part 5, on splinting, 3 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on dislocation and what is related to it | |
| Chapter on general discourse on dislocation | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a complete dislocation | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of bend | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of an increase in the length of the joint without dislocation | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of bend and dislocation | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of long joints | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the jaw | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the clavicle | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the shoulder | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of dislocation of the brachium | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the shoulder by itself | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the small bone at the tip of the shoulder | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the elbow | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the wrist (carpus) joint | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the fingers and its signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on detachment of the wrist bones | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the vertebra | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the coccyx | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the hip | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the knee | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the patella (rotula) | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the calcaneum joint at the heel bone | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the foot bones | | | | |
Treatise 2, a word of principles on fracture | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on fracture | | | | |
| Chapter on sequences of bone setting and antisetting | | | | |
| Chapter on principles related to bone setting and dressing | | | | |
| Chapter on recommendations for the orthopedist | | | | |
| Chapter on a suspensory for each set organ | | | | |
| Chapter on specifications for bandages and pads | | | | |
| Chapter on methods of dressing in details | | | | |
| Chapter on specifications for dressing tools (materials) | | | | |
| Chapter on method of using dressings and changing them in details | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture with injury | | | | |
| Chapter on mal bone setting of the fracture | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture liniments and what follow their course | | | | |
| Chapter on liniments not to be used and what follows their course, and those which emend itching | | | | |
| Chapter on liniments which harden bones | | | | |
| Chapter on management of bone modification | | | | |
| Chapter on a good arrangement and medicines which soften a hard joint | | | | |
| Chapter on fortifiers for relaxation | | | | |
| Chapter on using hot water and fat | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishing the patient | | | | |
| Chapter on what to do following fracture and dressing to face consequences if something goes wrong | | | | |
| Chapter on a very bad fractured bone | | | | |
Treatise 3, on osteoclasis (fracture) of each organ | |
| Chapter on fracture of the skull (cranium) | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the jawbone | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the nose | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the clavicle (collarbone) | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the shoulder | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the sternum (breastbone) | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the ribs | | | | |
| Chapter on fractures which might afflict the vertebrae | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the brachium | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the forearm (cubitus) | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the wrist (carpus) | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the finger bones | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the sacrum and the hip | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the thigh | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of any round bone (as the knee pan) (knee-pan) | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the leg (shank) | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the calcaneous (heelbone) | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the heel | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture of the toes | | | | |
Part 6, General discourse on poisons, 5 treatises | |
Treatise 1, On basics of what is known regarding ingested poisons, and detailed discourse on treatments of poisons, not of animal [origin], and others | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on how to safeguard from ingested poisons and their treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on ingested poisons | | | | |
| Chapter on seeking guidance about types of poisons | | | | |
| Chapter on bad signs | | | | |
| Chapter on code of treating someone who ingested a poison | | | | |
| Chapter on common(combined) medicines [antidotes] for poisons | | | | |
| Chapter on solid poisons, metallic and others -lapis armeniacus or lapis pazuli | | | | |
| Chapter on mercury | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on litharge or dross of silver and lead oxide filings | | | | |
| Chapter on its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on lead carbonate or bicarbonate, ceruse, white water | | | | |
| Chapter on its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on gypsum | | | | |
| Chapter on cinnabar (vermilion) and [sukk](the fruit of Chinese Phyllantus emblica, but when no available, what is used is a compound medicine composed of gall oak, pomegranate skin, unripe dates and musk | | | | |
| Chapter on verdigris | | | | |
| Chapter on iron filings and its slag | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on lime and arsenic | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on soap water | | | | |
| Chapter on vitriol and alum | | | | |
| Chapter on drinking cold water on an empty stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on vegetal poisons, Aconitum ferox and Aconitum uncinatum | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on spikenard | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on cicuta or Conium maculatum | | | | |
| Its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Euphorbia resini fera BERG or any kind of Euphorbia | | | | |
| Its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Euphorbia milks (seven mentioned by Avicenna) | | | | |
| Chapter on Convolvolus scammonia | | | | |
| Chapter on Daphne mesereum I. and Cardapatium Corymbosum PERS | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Nerium oleander | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on semecarpus anacardium | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Ranunculus asiaticus | | | | |
| Chapter on Delphinium staphisagria | | | | |
| Chapter on Peganum harmala | | | | |
| Chapter on Thapsia garganicai | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Reseda alba | | | | |
| Chapter on Croton tiglium | | | | |
| Chapter on Gypsophila struthium and Helleborus albus and Cyclamen europaeum or Leontice leontopetalum and juice of Ecballium elaterium and a bad type of Nigella and black agaric (Agaricus) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Helleborus niger | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Daphne gnidium | | | | |
| Chapter on Typha latifolia | | | | |
| Chapter on oil cake of Ricinus communis and sesame | | | | |
| Chapter on castorium (oily matter from the beaver Castor canadensis) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on wild scilla | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Aconitum lycoctonum andAconitum napellus HAYME | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Melia azedarachta | | | | |
| Chapter on rice husks | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on nettle (urtica) seeds | | | | |
| Chapter on Ipomoea turpethium R.BR. | | | | |
| Chapter on Ranunculus sardous CRANTZ | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on [Tobiyon] [Tonyon] (Avicenna does not know what it is) | | | | |
| Chapter on rancid seeds pulbs | | | | |
| Chapter on drinks (juices, syrups, etc) especially on an empty stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on bad honey | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on viscum album (mistletoe) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on cold poisonous medicines of vegetal origin- opium | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Datura metal | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Mandragora officinarum | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Convolvulus oleofolius DERS or Datura stramonium | | | | |
| Chapter on Hyoscyamus niger or albus, or Datura fatuosa or Cannabis sativa | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Conium maculatum, Cicuta,Hyoscyanus niger | | | | |
| Chapter on Physalis alkekenge or solanum nigrum 1. or Datura Stramonium or withania somnifera DON | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on moist coriander | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on plantago psyllium | | | | |
| Chapter on mushrooms and bad truffles | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on [siham Armenyya] (Armenian arrows) | | | | |
Treatise 2, On ingested animal poisons | |
| Chapter on animals which their bodies kill or rot (decay, decompose) | | | | |
| Chapter on Cantharis | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Alpysia depilens | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on gecko and chameleon (chamaeleo) | | | | |
| Treament | | | | |
| Chapter on Agama stellio | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Lacerta (lizard) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on Rana esculenta (green frog) and marine red (russet frogs) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on yellow frogs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| The other part of this section is cold fish | | | | |
| Chapter on covered barbecued meat and bad meat | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on the second category (type) of animal (poisons) | | | | |
| Chapter on snake gall bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on tiger gall bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on gall bladder of dogfish (roussette) | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on the extremity of the deer (Cervus) tail | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| The third category (type) of animal (poisons), fresh ox blood | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on animal sweat | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on chameleon eggs | | | | |
| Treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on soured milk | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on coagulated blood | | | | |
| Chapter on common medicines for that | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of clotted blood in the stomach and bladder (vesica) | | | | |
| Chapter on clotted milk in the stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
Treatise 3, on general management of bites (stings) and driving away (repelling) insects, and on signs of snake bites and their types | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on treatment codes | | | | |
| Chapter on drinks (beverages) for stings | | | | |
| A beneficial medicine for all stings | | | | |
| Chapter on liniments for stings | | | | |
| Chapter on liniments when spread on the body will keep vermins (pasts) | | | | |
| Chapter on total repelling of vermins (pests) | | | | |
| Chapter on materials mentioned by people which kill predators | | | | |
| Chapter on repelling snakes | | | | |
| Chapter on repelling and killing scorpions | | | | |
| Chapter on an incense which drives out scorpions | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling fleas | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling mosquitos and bugs | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling the weasel | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling and killing the mouse | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling ants | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling flies | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling wasps (hornets) | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling beetles | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling woodworms | | | | |
| Chapter on expelling mites (moths) | | | | |
| Chapter on snake types | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of Naja haje (Egyptian cobra) | | | | |
| Chapter on the signs of its bite | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of Naja morgani | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of the bite of a snake called rapid (swift), from thedeaf type | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of the stiff snake, from the deaf type | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of the spitting and stiff snake types | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of the Cerastes (horned viper ) | | | | |
| Chapter on the sign of its bite | | | | |
| Chapter on the snake called Coluber nutrix and [Kdosudros] | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on [Athdries] (Avicenna is hesitant regarding its kind) | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse regarding snakebites and their sequences | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of snake bites to be taken as a code | | | | |
| Chapter on other praised drinks for snake bites | | | | |
| Chapter on external dressings | | | | |
| Chapter on snakes which cause blood to come out of the body like [Amoryos] and Raia [Bastisse] both could be marine animals | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on the snake which induces thirst | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on jumping snake | | | | |
| Chapter on hamadryad, hannah | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on millet snake | | | | |
| Chapter on a snake known as [Basistali] | | | | |
| Chapter on the varigated snake with different colours | | | | |
| Chapter on the [Barstaies] snake | | | | |
| Chapter on [Fanjernyoss] | | | | |
| Chapter on [Ammothodies] and [Muaa'rouss] | | | | |
| Chapter on their treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a snake called [syser] the putrid | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on other snakes which their bite harms, due to the wound and not due to poison, and they are the very big snakes | | | | |
| On dragons | | | | |
| Chapter on [Agathnimon] and [Alsier] | | | | |
| Chapter on the Trachinus droco bite | | | | |
| Chapter on two marine animals | | | | |
| Chapter on Muraena | | | | |
| Chapter on Rajidae’ (Raiae) | | | | |
Treatise 4, On human and animal (quadrupeds) bites | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on treatment of the bite | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of a human to another | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of a domestic dog with no rabies (not hydrophobic) and the bite of a wolf and the like | | | | |
| Chapter on the features of a dog, wolf and jackal with rabies | | | | |
| Chapter on (animals) which cause rabies other the mentioned ones | | | | |
| Chapter on the states of one bit by a hydrophobic dog | | | | |
| Chapter on the difference between the bite of a hydrophobic dog and that of a sane dog | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A good laxative prescription for them | | | | |
| Chapter on potion medicines | | | | |
| Formulation of the cantharis medicine good for them | | | | |
| A condensed formulation of the cantharis medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on dressings and the like for hauling (absorbing) and dilation (dilatation) | | | | |
| Chapter on using trickery to (force him) to drink water | | | | |
| Chapter on bite of a tiger, cheetah (leopard, panther), lion and wounds of their claws (talons) | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of a crocodile (alligator, Caimar) | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of a monkey | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of a cat | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of a weasel | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of a Mustelidae | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
Treatise 5, on stings of insects and araneids (Araneida) and their bites | |
| Chapter on kinds of wild scorpions | | | | |
| Chapter on what occurs due to their stings | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A good antidote prescription for them | | | | |
| A good antidote for this | | | | |
| Prescription of a military medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on other potions | | | | |
| Chapter on liniments and dressings | | | | |
| Chapter on the [jarrara] (a kind of scorpion) | | | | |
| Chapter on its treatment | | | | |
| Its formulation | | | | |
| Another antidote | | | | |
| Chapter on kinds of spiders, tarantulus and araneids | | | | |
| Chapter on someone exposed to a bite by araneids in general and in details | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A good antidote prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on the rest of drinks (potions) | | | | |
| Prescription of a tried antidote for that | | | | |
| Chapter on liniments prescription and the like | | | | |
| Prescription of a good dressing | | | | |
| On lotions (ointments) | | | | |
| on douching | | | | |
| Chapter on tarantula and its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on spider and its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on two (animals) (mentioned by learned doctors) | | | | |
| Chapter on another (animal) called [Mogrenita] | | | | |
| Chapter on animalculi known as raza in persian and samlouky in Greek and taghanos in indian | | | | |
| Chapter on its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on phtirius pubis (crab louse) and coccidium | | | | |
| Chapter on vespa stings | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on bee stings and treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on flying ants and something resembling them | | | | |
| Chapter on geckos and lizard (lacerta) | | | | |
| Chapter on Iula (Iulus), Scolopendra | | | | |
| Chapter on Lacerta bite | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on ground and marine Iula (Iulus)(Avicenna says he doesn’t know them) | | | | |
| Chapter on scorpaena (scorpion fish) | | | | |
| Chapter on marine spider ( a kind of crab) | | | | |
| Chapter on the bite of the marine red frog | | | | |
| Chapter on a general treatment of poisonous marine vermines and pests | | | | |
Part 7, On Cosmetics, 4 treatises | |
Treatise 1, On hair conditions and lichen | |
| Chapter on the substance of hair | | | | |
| Chapter on the voidness of hair | | | | |
| Chapter on medicines which preserve the hair | | | | |
| Of the compounds | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine which preserves eyebrow hair (supercilia) | | | | |
| Chapter on hair elongaters | | | | |
| A good compound | | | | |
| Another preparation attributed to Al-Kindi ( a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on strong hair growers and it contains treatment of what could be treated regardingbaldness and falling of eyebrow hair and the like | | | | |
| Also by [Korayten] ( a doctor) | | | | |
| Also for the supercilia (eyebrows) | | | | |
| A medicine which induces growth of eyebrows hair | | | | |
| Chapter on what causes tinea (ringworm) and ophiasis | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A useful strong stain prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on what shaves off the hair | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of someone burnt by lime (depilatory agent) | | | | |
| Chapter on what cuts off the smell of the depilatory agent | | | | |
| Chapter on anti-hair growers | | | | |
| Chapter on hair curling (or curlers) | | | | |
| Chapter on what causes lank hair | | | | |
| Chapter on hair cleavage (breaking) | | | | |
| Chapter on what causes the hair to become tenuous | | | | |
| Chapter on youth (indicating black hair) and hoary (gray hair) | | | | |
| Chapter on what slows down getting gray hair | | | | |
| A good mild cream prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on stains inhibiting (covering) gray hair | | | | |
| A good ointment | | | | |
| A good stain | | | | |
| A good coating | | | | |
| Chapter on mentioning dyes (dyestuffs, tinctures) | | | | |
| Chapter on blackeners (henna and Indigo fera tinctoria) | | | | |
| A good dye prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a praised boiled (cooked) (prescription) | | | | |
| Chapter on (preparations for) turning blond (blondness) and the like | | | | |
| A strong scarlet (dye) | | | | |
| Chapter on whiteners | | | | |
| Chapter on rectifying(hair) transformations which follow dying | | | | |
| Chapter on lichen | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on soft lichen medicines, which don’t cause much burning | | | | |
| Chapter on stronger lichen medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine said to have been tried and found good | | | | |
Treatise 2, On the conditions of the skin regarding color | |
| Chapter on causes for change in color | | | | |
| Chapter on causes for the yellow color | | | | |
| Chapter on things which improve color through glittering and reddening and soft clarity | | | | |
| A good lotion | | | | |
| A good overspread | | | | |
| A strong overspread | | | | |
| Chapter on protecting the skin from the sun, wind and cold | | | | |
| Chapter on a hit- mark and black marks | | | | |
| A good liniment for this | | | | |
| Chapter on marks of ulcers and smallpox | | | | |
| Chapter on degenerated (dead) blood and stain freckles and freckles | | | | |
| This medicine is | | | | |
| A good pill | | | | |
| A good medicine for the wakeful | | | | |
| Its formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on tattoo and its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on redness and excessive redness (inflammatory appearance of the face) | | | | |
| Chapter on vitiligo and white and black leukoderma | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of black vitiligo | | | | |
| A useful powder for it and for black leukoderma | | | | |
| A good liniment prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of vitiligo and leukoderma | | | | |
| A tried preparation | | | | |
| Indian liniment | | | | |
| A liniment prescription with many components used forAl-Mu’tassem | | | | |
| A good liniment for the wakeful | | | | |
| A good mild liniment | | | | |
| Also for Oribasius (a doctor) | | | | |
| Another for Jibril (a doctor) | | | | |
| A royal prescription | | | | |
| A good liniment | | | | |
| A tincture, we tried (ourselves) | | | | |
| Another tincture | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of black leukoderma | | | | |
Treatise 3, on what afflicts the skin, not in color | |
| Chapter on porrigo (ringworm, tinea) and erysipelas and bad porrigo and blackened ulcers | | | | |
| chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A good medicine prescription | | | | |
| A very good medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on topical medicines for dry porrigo | | | | |
| A prescription of a good medicine for the dry and dewy porrigo | | | | |
| A very useful strong and tried medicine of ours | | | | |
| Chapter on herpes (impetigo) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of herpes | | | | |
| Chapter on topical treatment | | | | |
| A good medicine prescription | | | | |
| From the compounds | | | | |
| Chapter on white pustules | | | | |
| Chapter on poser (scabies) and itch | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A good cooked (preparation) | | | | |
| A good seed: Fumaria officinalis | | | | |
| A good strong medicine for the chronic case | | | | |
| Also a similar to this cream | | | | |
| A good medicine | | | | |
| A laxative medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on hidroa | | | | |
| Chapter on its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on night itching | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on wart (verruca), corns, and the like | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| on a mild compound | | | | |
| Chapter on corns | | | | |
| Chapter on fissures on the skin and lip and extremities and all over the body skin | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of fissures in general | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of lip fissures | | | | |
| Chapter on leg fissures | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A good treatment of ours (Aricenna) | | | | |
| Chapter on the hand fissures | | | | |
| Chapter on fissures between the toes | | | | |
| Chapter on buttocks ulcers (due to lying down)(a disease in the buttocks) | | | | |
| Chapter on bad odor of skin, folds, urine and feces | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of bad odor of skin in general | | | | |
| Chapter on odor of the armpit and its treatment | | | | |
| A good pill | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of a powder which gives the body a sweet smell and is useful for those with hot temperaments | | | | |
| Chapter on strong bad smell of excrement and flatulence and its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on the malodorous of urine | | | | |
| Chapter on lice | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A good arrangement | | | | |
Treatise 4, on states related to the body and extremities, it completes the book of cosmetic art | |
| Chapter on dowing away with being thin (emaciation) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A good arrangement | | | | |
| An arrangement by [Al- Kindi] ( a doctor) | | | | |
| A good arrangement for emaciation | | | | |
| A good arrangement for those having fever | | | | |
| A miraculous medicine | | | | |
| For those who feel cold | | | | |
| Another known (medicine) | | | | |
| A potion for them | | | | |
| Its formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on fattening each organ like the arm, or the leg or the lip or the nose or the foreskin or the penis | | | | |
| Chapter on the disadvantages (defects) of obesity(overweight) | | | | |
| Chapter on weight decrease (regimen) | | | | |
| A prescription of a compound medicine | | | | |
| A strong medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on emaciating partial organs like the breast, the testicle, the arm the leg and the like | | | | |
| Its formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on whitlow (felon) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| A healing medicine for felon (whitlow) | | | | |
| A good cream mentioned by (Foles) | | | | |
| A cream having this prescription | | | | |
| A good cream | | | | |
| Chapter on onyxis (ingrowing nail) and breaking and cleavage and scabies of nails | | | | |
| Chapter on contraction and arching (or curving) and leprosy which afflict the nail | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on tricks to pull out a nail which is bad in its form and color and other defects, to let grow a sane nail | | | | |
| Chapter on taking care of a growing nail | | | | |
| Chapter on leprosy on the nails | | | | |
| Chapter on yellow color afflicting the nails | | | | |
| Chapter on nail bruises (contuses) | | | | |
| Chapter on clotted blood under the nail due to a bruise | | | | |
(In the pages of the books,
clicking the left half of the page brings up the next page and the
right half, the previous.)