[Arabic] [Contents] [Introduction] [English] [Contents]

Book I : General matters relative to the science of medicine, 4 parts

 Part 1 - Definition and subjects of physiology.
 Part 2 - Diseases, their causes and general symptoms.
 Part 3 - Preservation of health and regiminal causes and symptoms.
  Part 4 - Description of the treatment of general discuses.
 Thesis one, Definition of Medicine
 Thesis two, The elements
 Thesis three, Temperaments
 Thesis four, Fluids of the body
 Thesis five, Members of the body (tissues and organs)
 Thesis six, Faculties of the body
Thesis one – 2 chapters
 1. Definition of the "Medicine";
First chapter of the first thesis, of first part of first book, of the Canon of Medicine.
 2. Subject-Matter of Medicine
Thesis two- one chapter
 1. The elements
Thesis three- Three chapters
 1. Temperaments
 2. Temperaments of the body organs
 3. Temperaments related to age
Thesis four- Two chapters
 1. Humours, their nature and classification
 2. Generation of humours
Thesis five- 1 chapter, 5 subsections
 The Chapter - The nature of the organ and its components
 Subsection 1, Bones, thirty chapters
 Chapter 1. General discourse on the bones and joints
 Chapter 2. Anatomy of the cranium
 Chapter 3. Anatomy of what is below the cranium
 Chapter 4. Anatomy of the Jaws and nose bones
 Chapter 5. Anatomy of the teeth
 Chapter 6. Physiology of the vertebral column
 Chapter 7. Anatomy of the vertebras
 Chapter 8. Physiology of the neck, and anatomy of its bones
 Chapter 9. Anatomy of the thoracic vertebra
 Chapter 10. Anatomy of the lumbar vertebras
 Chapter 11. Anatomy of the sacrum
 Chapter 12. Anatomy of the coccyx
 Chapter 13. Conclusion discourse upon the physiology of the spinal column
 Chapter 14. Anatomy of the ribs
 Chapter 15. Anatomy of the sternum
 Chapter 16. Anatomy of the clavicle
 Chapter 17. Anatomy of the shoulder
 Chapter 18. Anatomy of the brachium (arm)
 Chapter 19. Anatomy of the forearm (antibrachium)
 Chapter 20. Anatomy of the elbow joint
 Chapter 21. Anatomy of the wrist
 Chapter 22. Anatomy of the metacarpus
 Chapter 23. Anatomy of the fingers
 Chapter 24. Physiology of the nail
 Chapter 25. Anatomy of the pubic bones
 Chapter 26. General physiology of the leg
 Chapter 27. Anatomy of the femur
 Chapter 28. Anatomy of the leg bone
 Chapter 29. Anatomy of the knee joint
 Chapter 30. Anatomy of the foot
 Subsection two, Muscle, thirty chapters
 Chapter 1. General discourse on the nerve, the muscle, the tendon and the ligament
 Chapter 2. Anatomy of the pectoral muscle
 Chapter 3. Anatomy of the forehead muscle
 Chapter 4. Anatomy of the eyeball muscle
 Chapter 5. Anatomy of the eyelid muscle
 Chapter 6. Anatomy of the cheek muscle
 Chapter 7. Anatomy of the lip muscle
 Chapter 8. Anatomy of the nose muscle
 Chapter 9. Anatomy of the mandible muscle
 Chapter 10. Anatomy of the head muscle
 Chapter 11. Anatomy of the Larynx muscle
 Chapter 12. Anatomy of the pharynx muscle
 Chapter 13. Anatomy of the hyoid-bone muscle
 Chapter 14. Anatomy of the tongue muscle
 Chapter 15. Anatomy of the nape and neck muscle
 Chapter 16. Anatomy of the chest muscle
 Chapter 17. Anatomy of the arm movement muscle
 Chapter 18. Anatomy of the muscle moving the forearm
 Chapter 19. Anatomy of the muscle moving the wrist
 Chapter 20. Anatomy of the muscle moving the fingers
 Chapter 21. Anatomy of the muscle moving the spinal coloumn
 Chapter 22. Anatomy of the abdominal muscle
 Chapter 23. Anatomy of the testicular muscle
 Chapter 24. Anatomy of the bladder muscle
 Chapter 25. Anatomy of the penis muscle
 Chapter 26. Anatomy of the gluteus muscle
 Chapter 27. Anatomy of the muscle moving the thigh
 Chapter 28. Anatomy of the muscle moving the leg and knee
 Chapter 29. Anatomy of the foot joint muscle
 Chapter 30. Anatomy of the muscle moving the toes
 Subsection 3, Nerve, 6 chapters
 Chapter 1. Special discourse on the nerve
 Chapter 2. Anatomy of the brain nerve and its course
 Chapter 3. Anatomy of the cervical spine and its course
 Chapter 4. Anatomy of the chest bones nerve
 Chapter 5. Anatomy of the lumbar nerve
 Chapter 6. Anatomy of the sacral and coccygeal nerve
 Subsection 4, Arteries (arterias), 5 chapters
 Chapter 1. Description of the artery
 Chapter 2. Anatomy of the venous artery
 Chapter 3. Anatomy of the ascending artery
 Chapter 4. Anatomy of the two carotid arteries
 Chapter 5. Anatomy of the descending artery
 Subsection 5, Veins, 5chapters
 Chapter 1. Description of the veins
 Chapter 2. Anatomy of the vein named portal
 Chapter 3. Anatomy of the superior vena cava and its branches
 Chapter 4. Anatomy of the hand veins
 Chapter 5. Anatomy of the descending cava
 Thesis Six, 1 subsection, 1 chapter
 Subsection - The faculties of the body,6 chapters
 Chapter 1. General discourse of the categories of faculties
 Chapter 2. Natural dominant faculties
 Chapter 3. Natural subservient faculties
 Chapter 4. The Vital faculties
 Chapter 5. The comprehending faculties
 Chapter 6. The physiology powers of locomotion
 Last chapter. The functions
 Thesis 1- Diseases
 Thesis 2- Causes of diseases (etiology)
 Thesis 3- Symptoms
Thesis 1, 8 chapters
 Chapter 1. Teaching the cause, the disease, the symptom
 Chapter 2. Division of the states of the body and the types of disease
 Chapter 3. Disorders of Configuration
 Chapter 4. Diseases solution of continuity
 Chapter 5. Compound diseases
 Chapter 6. Other diseases
 Chapter 7. The times (stages) of diseases
 Chapter 8. Exact discourse on diseases
Thesis 2, 2 subsections
 Subsection 1, General causes and effects
 Subsection 2, Specific cause for each symptom
 Subsection 1, Nineteen chapters
 Chapter 1. Causes in general
 Chapter 2. Climate and its influence on the body
 Chapter 3. Characters of the seasons
 Chapter 4. Seasonal functions and their effect
 Chapter 5. Good Climate
 Chapter 6. Influence of the weather and the seasons
 Chapter 7. Laws of annual sequences
 Chapter 8. Effect of the atmospheric charges which are not much contrary to the normal
 Chapter 9. Effect of the bad atmospheric changes, which are contrary tonormal
 Chapter 10. The influence of winds
 Chapter 11. The influences of dwellings (or habitations)
 Chapter 12. Influence of exercise and rest
 Chapter 13. The necessity of sleep and wakefulness
 Chapter 14. Influence of psychological factors
 Chapter 15. The effects of food diet and drink
 Chapter 16. Water characteristics
 Chapter 17. Retention and evacuation
 Chapter 18. Neither necessary nor nocive causes
 Chapter 19. Influence of bathing and exposure to the sun
 Chapter 20. Exposure to the hot sun
 Subsection 2, 29 chapters
 Chapter 1. Calefacients
 Chapter 2. Refrigerants
 Chapter 3. Humectants
 Chapter 4. Desiccants
 Chapter 5. Agents causing deformity
 Chapter 6. Causes of narrowing of the channels
 Chapter 7. Causes of dialation of the channels
 Chapter 8. Causes of coarsness
 Chapter 9. Causes of softness
 Chapter 10. Causes of dislocation and displacements
 Chapter 11. Causes which prevent parts from becoming opposed
 Chapter 12. Causes which prevent parts from expanding
 Chapter 13. Causes of abnormal movements
 Chapter 14. Causes of increase in size of bone and glands
 Chapter 15. Causes of decrement
 Chapter 16. Causes of loss of continuity
 Chapter 17. Causes of ulceration
 Chapter 18. Causes of swellings
 Chapter 19. Absolute causes of pain
 Chapter 20. Types of pain
 Chapter 21. Causes of abatement of pain
 Chapter 22. The effect of pain
 Chapter 23. Causes of pleasure
 Chaptert 24. How movement brings on pain
 Chapter 25. How depraved humours evoke pain
 Chapter 26. How gas produces pain
 Chapter 27. Causes of retention and evacuation
 Chapter 28. Causes of distention and repletion
 Chapter 29. Causes of the weakness of the organs
Thesis 3, 11 chapters, 2 subsections
 Chapter 1. General discourse about symptoms and signs
 Chapter 2. Distinction between the disease in itself and its secondary effects
 Chapter 3. Signs of the temperaments
 Chapter 4. The result of average temperament
 Chapter 5. Signs of congenital disorders
 Chapter 6. Signs indicative of plethora
 Chapter 7. Evidences that show which of the humours is dominant
 Chapter 8. Signs of obstruction
 Chapter 9. Signs of gaseous distention
 Chapter 10. Signs of swellings
 Chapter 11. Signs of loss of continuity
 Subsection 1, The pulse, 19 chapters
 Chapter 1. The pulse in general
 Chapter 2. Special discourse on regular and irregular pulse
 Chapter 3. Types of compound pulse which have distinctive names
 Chapter 4. Types of normal pulse
 Chapter 5. Causes of the types of pulse mentioned
 Chapter 6. Effects of the retentive causes
 Chapter 7. Effect of sex and age on the pulse
 Chapter 8. Pulse in the various temperaments
 Chapter 9. Effect of the seasons on the pulse
 Chapter 10. Effect of locality on the pulse
 Chapter 11. Effects of ingestion on the pulse
 Chapter 12. Effect of sleep and wakefulness on the pulse
 Chapter 13. Effect of physical exercise on the pulse
 Chapter 14. Effect of bathing on the pulse
 Chapter 15. The pulse special to women i.e. the pulse in pregnancy
 Chapter 16. The pulse in pain
 Chapter 17. The pulse in swellings
 Chapter 18. Effect of various emotional states on the pulse
 Chapter 19. Summary of abnormal factors of the pulse
 Subsection 2, Urine and stool, 13 chapters
 Chapter 1. General indications on the urine
 Chapter 2. Significance of the color of the urine
 Chapter 3. consistency of urine, its clarity and turbidity
 Chapter 4. Indications from the odor of the urine
 Chapter 5. Indications from the foam
 Chapter 6. Indications from the diverse kinds of sediment
 Chapter 7. Indications from the quantity of urine
 Chapter 8. Normal good urine
 Chapter 9. Variations of urine according to age
 Chapter 10. Variations according to sex
 Chapter 11. Animal urine and its difference from human urine
 Chapter 12. Fluids resembling urine and how to distinguish them from urine
 Chapter 13. Indications of stools
 Chapter on Cause of health and disease and the inevitability of death
 Thesis 1, on education
 Thesis 2, Regimen proper for adults
 Thesis 3, Regimen for the aged
 Thesis 4, Regimen for cases when the temperament is not normal
 Thesis 5, Changes of seasons
Thesis 1, 4 chapters
 Chapter 1. Regimen of infant from birth to weaning
 Chapter 2. Regimen during lactation and weaning
 Chapter 3. Diseases in infancy and their treatments
 Chapter 4. Regimen from infancy to adolescence
Thesis 2, 17 chapters
 Chapter 1. Collective discourse upon (Atheletic) exercise
 Chapter 2. Various forms of exercise
 Chapter 3. Best time for commencing and stopping exercises
 Chapter 4. Massage
 Chapter 5. Bathing and baths
 Chapter 6. Ablution with cold water
 Chapter 7. Regimen regarding food
 Chapter 8. Rules concerning the use of water and wines
  - A drink which reduces drunkness
 Chapter 9. On sleep and wakefulness
 Chapter 10. On certain matters left over to a later place
 Chapter 11. How to strengthen weak organs, fatten and increase their size
 Chapter 12. On lassitude following exercise
 Chapter 13. On stretching and yawning
 Chapter 14. On treatment of lassitude from ulcer
 Chapter 15. Other states which may follow exercise
 Chapter 16. Treatment of spontaneous lassitude
 Chapter 17. Collective disourse on the regimen in the cases where the temperament of the the body is defective
Thesis 3, 6 chapters
 Chapter 1. The regimen of old age
 Chapter 2. Food for old persons
 Chapter 3. Wine for elderly persons
 Chapter 4. Removal of obstructions in old persons
 Chapter 5. Massage for elderly persons
 Chapter 6. Exercise in old age
Thesis 4, 5 chapters
 Chapter 1. The recitification of hot temperament
 Chapter 2. The recification of a cold temperament
  Chapter 3. Regimen for persons prone to illness
 Chapter 4. To help lean persons put on flesh
 Chapter 5. How to reduce obesity
Thesis 5, 1 chapter, 1 subsection
 Chapter on regimen according to seasons
 Subsection, on regimen suitable for travelers, 8 chapters
 Chapter 1. Avoidance of Symptoms premonitory of disease
 Chapter 2. General remarks on the regimen suitable for travelers
 Chapter 3. Protection from heat,especially when traveling; regimen suitable for those traveling to hot climates
 Chapter 4. Regimen for travelers in cold climates
 Chapter 5. Protecting the extremeties from the injurious effects of cold
 Chapter 6. How to preserve the complexion while traveling
 Chapter 7. How to avoid the injurious effects of the various waters by the traveler
 Chapter 8. Rules for persons traveling by sea
 Chapter 1. General discourse on therapy
 Chapter 2. Treatment of disorders of temperament
 Chapter 3. How to determine the manner and moment for"evacuation"
 Chapter 4. General rules in procuring emesis or purgation, and laxatives and emetics
 Chapter 5. Discourse about purgation and its rules
 Chapter 6. On excessive purgation, and proper time for using astringents
 Chapter 7. How to restore a person suffering from excessive purgation to normal state
 Chapter 8. The procedure when a purge fails to act
 Chapter 9. States of purgative medicines
 Chapter 10. Topics belonging to the subject which are to be found dealt with elsewhere
 Chapter 11. On emesis
 Chapter 12. Treatment after vomit arrest
 Chapter 13. Benefits of emesis
 Chapter 14. Evils which follow excessive emesis
 Chapter 15. How to remedy the states incident on emesis
 Chapter 16. Concerning excessive vomiting
 Chapter 17. Topics to be found in a different place
 Chapter 18. On enemas
 Chapter 19. On liniments
 Chapter 20. Douching or spraying
 Chapter 21. On venesection
 Chapter 22. On cupping
 Chapter 23. On leeches
 Chapter 24. Stopping emesis
 Chapter 25. Treatments of obstruction
 Chapter 26. Treatment of swellings
 Chapter 27. General remarks on incisions
 Chapter 28. Gangrene and excision
 Chapter 29. General remarks on treatment of loss of continuity and types of ulcers
 Chapter 30. Cauterisation
 Chapter 31. Relief of pain
 Chapter 32. Priority of choice of methods of treatment

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[Notes on translation and bibliography used in translation.]

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