Book III- Special "Pathology"
Diseases Inflicting the Human organs from Head to Foot, their External and Internal Manifestations, 22 parts (Medical and Surgical)
| page | |
| Part 1- Of Book III of the Cannon is on head diseases | | | | |
| Part 2- On nerve diseases | | | | |
| Part 3- Anatomy of the eye, its states and diseases | | | | |
| Part 4- On the states of the ear | | | | |
| Part 5- On the states of the nose | | | | |
| Part 6- On the states of the mouth and tongue | | | | |
| Part 7- On the states of the teeth | | | | |
| Part 8- On the states of the gum and lips | | | | |
| Part 9- On the states of the throat | | | | |
| Part 10- On the states of the lung and the chest | | | | |
| Part 11- On the states of the heart | | | | |
| Part 12- On the states of the breast | | | | |
| Part 13- On the states of the esophagus and stomach and their diseases | | | | |
| Part 14- On the states of the liver | | | | |
| Part 15- On the states of the gall-bladder and spleen | | | | |
| Part 16- On the states of the intestines and buttocks | | | | |
| Part 17- On the disorders of the gluteus muscle (buttocks) | | | | |
| Part 18- On the states of the kidney | | | | |
| Part 19- On the states of the bladder and urine | | | | |
| Part 20- On the states of male reproduction organs | | | | |
| Part 21- On the states of female reproduction organs and reproduction | | | | |
| Part 22- On visible and limbs diseases | | | | |
Part 1 of Book III of the Canon is on head diseases, 5 Treatises | |
Treatise 1 – general discourse on states of the head and brain diseases | |
| Chapter on knowing the head and its parts | | | | |
| Chapter on brain anatomy | | | | |
| Chapter on diseases affecting the head | | | | |
| Chapter on signs indicating states of the brain | | | | |
| Chapter on how to deduce and classify states of the brain from these signs | | | | |
| Chapter on general deduction from brain actions | | | | |
| Chapter on deductions from psychological sensory actions, and conduct, andmovement, and dreams and general conduct | | | | |
| Chapter on deductions from movement actions and their similitude to sleep and wakefulness | | | | |
| Chapter on signs obtained from natural actions of what results and what grows of hair and what appears of inflammatory swellings and ulcerations | | | | |
| Chapter on signs obtained from conformity and inconsistency and speed of emotions and their slowness | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction from size of the head | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction from the shape of the head | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction by what the brain feels of head heaviness, lightness, fever, coldness and aches | | | | |
| Chapter on deductions from the states of brain-related organs like the eye,the tongue, the face, the uvula, the tonsils, the neck and the nerves | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction from organs participating with the brain and are close to it | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction from a brain-participating organ which causes pain to it | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of temperament of the temperate brain | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of bad temperaments due to congenital disorders | | | | |
| On signs of cold temperament | | | | |
| On signs of moist temperament | | | | |
| On signs of hot moist temperament | | | | |
| On signs of cold moist temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of head diseases one by one | | | | |
| On signs of bad hot temperament without substance | | | | |
| On signs of bad cold temperament without substance | | | | |
| On signs of bad dry temperament without substance | | | | |
| On signs of dominance of biliary materials (humors) | | | | |
| On signs of sanguineous materials (humors) | | | | |
| On signs of cold phlegmatic materials (humors) | | | | |
| On signs of black bile (melancholia) materials (humors) | | | | |
| On signs of phlematic swellings | | | | |
| On signs of black bile (melancholia) swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on principles of treatment | | | | |
| emotions and their slowness | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction from size of the head | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction from the shape of the head | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction by what the brain feels of head heaviness, lightness, fever, coldness and aches | | | | |
| Chapter on deductions from the states of brain-related organs like the eye, the tongue, the face the uvula, the tonsils, the neck and the nerves | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction from organs participating with the brain and are close to it | | | | |
| Chapter on deduction from a brain-participating organ which causes pain to it | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of temperament of the temperament brain | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of bad temperaments due to congenital disorders | | | | |
| - On signs of cold temperament | | | | |
| - On signs of moist temperament | | | | |
| - On signs of hot moist temperament | | | | |
| - On signs of cold moist temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of head diseases one by one | | | | |
| On signs of bad hot temperament without substance | | | | |
| On signs of bad cold temperament without substance | | | | |
| On signs of bad dry temperaments without substance | | | | |
| On signs of bad humid temperaments without substance | | | | |
| On signs of composite temperaments without substance | | | | |
| On dominance of biliary materials (humors) | | | | |
| On sanguineous materials (humors) | | | | |
| On signs of cold phlegmatic materials (humors) | | | | |
| On signs of black bile (melancholia) materials (humors) | | | | |
| On sign of hot swellings | | | | |
| On signs of phlematic swellings | | | | |
| On signs of black bile (melancholia) swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on principles of treatment | | | | |
Treatise 2, On headaches which are of different types | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on headaches | | | | |
| Chapter on classification of headaches due to bad temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on classification of headaches due to loss of continuity | | | | |
| Chapter on classification of headaches due to swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on mode of headache -symptoms due to food stuffs | | | | |
| Chapter on headaches due to contribution (sharing) | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse of symptoms which indicate types of headaches andtheir subdivisions | | | | |
| Chapter on prognostic signs of headaches in diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on general management of headaches | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of a hot headache with no substance like sunburn and others, and with biliary or sanguineous material (humors) | | | | |
| Chapter on the treatment of a cold headache with no substance or with phlegmatic or black bile (melancholic) materials (humors) | | | | |
| - Liniments prescription | | | | |
| - Snuff prescription | | | | |
| - Ointments (unguent) prescription | | | | |
| - Puffing prescription | | | | |
| - On treatment of dry headache | | | | |
| - On treatment of headaches due to swellings | | | | |
| On treatment of headaches due to nose obstruction | | | | |
| - On treatment of headaches caused by gases and vapors congested in the head due to external causes | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of headaches caused by external wind which penetrated into the head | | | | |
| - on treatment of headache caused by external bad vapors which inflicted the head | | | | |
| - On treatment of headache caused by perfume odors | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of headache caused by bad odors | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of headache caused by hangover due to alcoholic drinks | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of headache caused by intercourse | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of headache due to a blow or a fall, and managing those with a brain convulsion and fracture | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of headache due to head feebleness | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of headache due to vigor in the head sense | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of the headache due to fevers and severe illnesses | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of seasickness | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of headache said to be due to helminthiasis | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of headache which develops after sleep and sleepness | | | | |
| Chapter on management of types of headaches due to contribution (sharing of organs ) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of heaviness in the head | | | | |
| Chapter on headache known as chronic headache[helmet] | | | | |
| - on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on hemicranium (migrane) | | | | |
| - on treatment | | | | |
Treatise 3 – On (head) Swellings and its loss of continuity | |
| Chapter on encephalitis (phrenitis) (hot cerebral disease) | | | | |
| Chapter on its common diagnostic signs | | | | |
| Chapter stating signs of the real types of encephalitis | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of its types | | | | |
| Chapter on phlegmonous attacking the brain substance | | | | |
| Chapter on erysipelas in the brain and impetigo | | | | |
| Chapter on severe hot cerebral disease (encephalitis) | | | | |
| Chapter on lethargus, i.e. cold encephalitis, its translation is oblivion | | | | |
| - sign | | | | |
| - treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on aqueous humor in the cranium | | | | |
| Chapter on swellings outside the cranium and aqueous humor outside the cranium and puerile apomyttosis | | | | |
| Chapter on lethargic sleeplessness | | | | |
| - on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on fracture and head skin cut and the like | | | | |
Treatise 4– On head diseases, their most adverse effects on the senses and conduct | |
| Chapter on lethargy and sleep | | | | |
| -signs | | | | |
| - on treatment of lethargy ad heavy sleep due to fevers | | | | |
| Chapter on wakefulness and on staying awake at night (agrypnia) | | | | |
| -signs | | | | |
| -treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on defects of the mind | | | | |
| Chapter on mental disorder and delirium | | | | |
| - signs | | | | |
| - treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on levity (recklessness) and stupidity | | | | |
| Chapter on deterioration of the memory (remembrance) | | | | |
| -signs | | | | |
| - treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on deterioration of the imagination | | | | |
| Chapter on mania (delirium furibundum) (furious mania), and (dog disease- a kind of mania) | | | | |
| - signs | | | | |
| - treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on psychosis(paranoia), melancholia | | | | |
| -signs | | | | |
| - treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on [kotrob] (a kind of melancholy making men fancy themselves wolves and run howling in the woods) (Type of psychosis, person seeking seclusion) | | | | |
| - treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on scrupulosity (obsession) (a melancholic disease) | | | | |
| - treatments | | | | |
Treatise 5– Encephalic diseases causing severe defects in voluntary movement actions. | |
| Chapter on vertigo | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on torsion | | | | |
| Chapter on nightmare | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on epilepsy | | | | |
| - on those prone to epilepsy | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on causes initiating epilepsy | | | | |
| - on epileptic medications | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on apoplexy | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
Part 2, On nerve diseases, 1 Treatise | |
Treatise 1, on nerve diseases | |
| Chapter on hemiplegia and atony | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on spasm | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on tetanus | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on facial paralysis | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on tremor | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on numbness | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on convulsion | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
Part 3- Anatomy of the eye, its states and diseases, 4 treatises. | |
Treatise 1, general discourse on states of the eye and on conjunctivitis (ophthalmitis) | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the eye | | | | |
| Chapter on knowing the states of the eye, its temperaments and general discourse on its diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on signs about the states of the eye | | | | |
| Chapter on general principles in treatments of the eye | | | | |
| Chapter on guarding the hygiene of the eye and stating what harms it | | | | |
| Chapter on conjunctivitis (ophthalmitis) and irritation (turbidity) | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments of irritation | | | | |
| Chapter on a collective treatment of conjunctivitis types and other diseases afflicting the eye | | | | |
| - on treatment of yellowish and sanguineous conjunctivitis and erysipelas | | | | |
| - on treatments of cold conjunctivitis | | | | |
| - on treatments of chemosis | | | | |
| - on treatments of wind conjunctivitis | | | | |
| Chapter on a concise discourse on used conjunctivitis medicines | | | | |
Treatise2, on the rest of eye diseases, the majority are due to a defect in composition and continuity. | |
| Chapter on swellings (water sacs) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on helcoma and cornea meables | | | | |
| on signs | | | | |
| on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on cornea meables | | | | |
| on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on pimples (pustules) in the eye | | | | |
| Chapter on pus under the peritoneum | | | | |
| on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter onopthalmocarcinoma | | | | |
| on signs | | | | |
| on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on fistula and swellings of the canthus | | | | |
| on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on increase and decrease in canthus flesh | | | | |
| Chapter on albedo retinae (edema of the retina) | | | | |
| on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on pannus (membranous vascularization of the cornea) | | | | |
| on signs | | | | |
| on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on pterygium (pannus) | | | | |
| on signs | | | | |
| on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on hyposphagme [Tarfa] (a blood drop in the eye) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on epiphora | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on squint (strabismus) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on exophthalmos (exphthalmus) | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on celophthalmia | | | | |
| Chapter on glaucoma | | | | |
| - on treatment | | | | |
Treatise 3, on states of the eyelid and what follows. | |
| Chapter on lice – infested eyelids | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on excoriation of eyelids, known in Greek as Inusima | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on sclerophthalmia of the eyelids | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on thickening of the eyelids | | | | |
| Chapter on irritation of the eyelids | | | | |
| Chapter on heaviness of the eyelids | | | | |
| Chapter on sticking of the eyelids at the canthus and other | | | | |
| Chapter on cataractous eye | | | | |
| Chapter on inversion of the eyelid | | | | |
| Chapter on chalaza | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on hordeolum (stye) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on hydated (cyst or mole in the eyelid) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on wart | | | | |
| Chapter on solid swelling in the eyelids | | | | |
| Chapter on ulcers in the eyelid and its tearing | | | | |
| Chapter on blisters and itching of the eyelids | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on tumefaction | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on excessive blinking (winking) | | | | |
| Chapter on milphosis | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on ingrown hordeolum and distichiasis | | | | |
| Chapter on distichiasis, (Trichiasis) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on adherence of the edges of yelids | | | | |
Treatise 4, on states of the eyesight and their actions | |
| Chapter on poor eyesight | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on matters harmful to the eyesight | | | | |
| Chapter on nyctalopia (night blindness) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on day blindness | | | | |
| Chapter on seeing colors spread in front of sight | | | | |
| - on treatments of the above | | | | |
| Chapter on mydriasis | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on miosis (meosis) | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on cataract | | | | |
| -on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on blindness (ablepsia)(ablepsy) | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on antipathy of light | | | | |
| Chapter on niphablepsia (snowblindness) (niphotyphlosis) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
Part 4, on states of the ear, 1 treatise | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the ear | | | | |
| Chapter on maintaining ear hygiene | | | | |
| Chapter on hearing lesions (defects) | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on ear pain | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on ear ringing and tinnitus aurium and hissing (whistling) | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on pus and ulcers in the ear | | | | |
| Chapter on blood bleeding from the ear | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on dirt (ear-wax,clotted blood, insects, etc.. )and obstruction in the ear | | | | |
| Chapter on ear obstruction | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on disease which inflicts the ear and on a blow | | | | |
| Chapter on ear itchching | | | | |
| Chapter on water entering the ear | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on living creatures infesting the ear and producing maggots in it | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on swellings at the root of the ear | | | | |
| Chapter on the ear evading great (or high) noises | | | | |
Part 5, on states of the nose, 2 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on smell and its defects, and on rhinorrheas | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the nose | | | | |
| Chapter on modes for using nose medications | | | | |
| Chapter on the smelling defect | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on bleeding of the nose (rhinorrhagia) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on coryza and catarrh | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
Treatise 2, on the rest of states of the nose | |
| Chapter on cause of putridity in the nose | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on ulcers in the nose | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of ulcers known as [Helwa] | | | | |
| Chapter on obstruction in the nasopharynx | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| -on treatment of nasonnement nasal twang) | | | | |
| Chapter on nose bruises | | | | |
| Chapter on hemorrhoids and cancerous hemorrhoids in the nose | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on sneeze (sneezing) | | | | |
| Chapter on antisneeze medicines | | | | |
| - on sneeze – promoting medications | | | | |
| Chapter on what might enter the nose | | | | |
| Chapter on dryness (xerosis) of the nose | | | | |
| Chapter on nose itching | | | | |
Part 6, on states of the mouth and tongue (lingua), 1 treatise | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the mouth and tongue | | | | |
| Chapter on tongue diseases | | | | |
| - on treatments of the tongue | | | | |
| Chapter on deterioration of taste | | | | |
| - on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on tongue slackness and on speech disturbance | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| - on pills inserted under the tongue | | | | |
| Chapter on lingual spasm of the tongue | | | | |
| Chapter on largeness of the tongue | | | | |
| - treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on shortness of the tongue | | | | |
| - treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on swellings of the tongue | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on defect in dyslalia (muteness) | | | | |
| Chapter on ranula | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on burning of the tongue | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of fissures in the tongue | | | | |
| Chapter on sticking the tongue out | | | | |
| Chapter on pistules in the mouth | | | | |
| Chapter on aphtha (thrush) and malignant ulcers | | | | |
| - on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on excessive spit and saliva, and sialorrhea (ptyalism) during sleep | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on stopping bad odours (produced) from food | | | | |
| Chapter on blood bleeding | | | | |
| Chapter on bad breath | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| - its formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on keeping the mouth open | | | | |
Part 7, on the states of the teeth, 1 treatise | |
| Chapter on discourse on teeth | | | | |
| Chapter on teeth hygiene | | | | |
| Chapter on general discourse on teeth treatment and teeth medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on odontalgia | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on decomposing medicines used in odontalgia | | | | |
| Chapter on anesthetic medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on the odontoseisis | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on teeth caries (odontonecrosis) and breaking of teeth (odontoclasis) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on fragmantizing and wearing of teeth (odontotripsis) | | | | |
| Chapter on change of teeth color (dental tartar) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on facilitating the growth of teeth (odontogenesis) | | | | |
| Chapter on odontectomy | | | | |
| Chapter on fritting of the eroded tooth, equivalent to odontectomy without pain | | | | |
| Chapter on teeth carieses | | | | |
| Chapter on odontoprisis (odonterism) | | | | |
| Chapter on an elongated tooth | | | | |
| Chapter on dullness of the teeth | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on odonthemodia (due to fading of teeth enamel) | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on weakness of the teeth | | | | |
| - a good dental (formulation) | | | | |
| - a good dental (formulation) for this | | | | |
Part 8, On states of the gum (gingiva) and lips, 1 treatise | |
| Chapter on gum diseases (gingivitis) | | | | |
| Chapter on the bleeding gum (gingival) | | | | |
| Chapter on fissures of the gums (gingivae) | | | | |
| Chapter on ulcers of the gums and their wearing and gingival fistulas | | | | |
| Chapter on gum malodor | | | | |
| Chapter on shortness of the gum flesh | | | | |
| Chapter on slackness of the gum | | | | |
| - on a pomade prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on largeness of the gum flesh | | | | |
| Chapter on lips and their diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on fissures in the lips | | | | |
| Chapter on swellings and ulcers of the lips | | | | |
| Chapter on hemorrhoids (piles) | | | | |
| Chapter on shivering of the lip | | | | |
Part 9, on states of the throat (pharynx), 1 treatise | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the pharynx organs | | | | |
| Chapter on diseases of the pharynx organs | | | | |
| Chapter on food and similar which cause choking | | | | |
| Chapter on thorns and similar | | | | |
| Chapter on leeches | | | | |
| - its signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on asphyxia and angina (croup) | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on treatments of swellings in the pharynx, larynx, and surrounding glands, uvula, gill and tonsils | | | | |
| Treatment of croup and angina, and all other croups, of all causes | | | | |
| - a useful pill | | | | |
| Chapter on uvula and tonsils | | | | |
| Chapter on prolapse (ptosis) of the uvula(uvulaptosis, Uvuloptosis) | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on a discourse on uvulectomy and tonsillotomy | | | | |
| Chapter on stating consequences of amputation (ectomy) | | | | |
| - Treatment of bleeding due to amputation of the uvula and tonsils | | | | |
Part 10, On states of the Lung and Chest, 5 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on voices (sounds) and breath | |
| Chapter on the anatomy of the pharynx, Trachea, and the lung | | | | |
| - on the lung | | | | |
| Chapter on temperaments of the lung and its states | | | | |
| Chapter on diseases which inflict the lung | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of the lung | | | | |
| Chapter on matters stuck in the lung, their management and treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on simple and compound pulmonary drugs and their mode of use | | | | |
| -Prescription of another drug | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on respiration | | | | |
| Chapter on deep and small breaths, causes and symptoms | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on intense breath | | | | |
| Chapter on deep high breath | | | | |
| Chapter on small breath | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on short breath | | | | |
| Chapter on fast breath | | | | |
| Chapter on slow breath | | | | |
| Chapter on recurrent breath | | | | |
| Chapter on cold breath | | | | |
| Chapter on malodorous breath | | | | |
| Chapter on switches among deep breath, fast breath and recurrent breath, and their counter breaths | | | | |
| Chapter on mobile breath i.e. which moves the lung | | | | |
| Chapter on general discourse on poor quality breathing | | | | |
| Chapter on dyspnea | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on varied breath | | | | |
| Chapter on sobbing breath | | | | |
| Chapter on half breath | | | | |
| Chapter on dyspnea(difficult breath) | | | | |
| Chapter on stand up breath | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on natures and states of breath | | | | |
| Chapter on breath of full people (from food) and pregnancy and edema and others | | | | |
| Chapter on breath of the bather | | | | |
| Chapter on breath of the sleeper | | | | |
| Chapter on breath when there is pain in chest organs | | | | |
| Chapter on breath of a person suffering from dyspnea due to whatever cause, and breath of a person suffering from asthma | | | | |
| Chapter on breath of those having pus | | | | |
| Chapter on breath of those suffering from angina and asphyxia | | | | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on asthma | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - Treatment of asthma and dyspnea and their sections | | | | |
| Chapter on other types of poor quality breathing | | | | |
| Chapter on dyspnea (difficult breath) and its treatments | | | | |
Treatise 2, On voice | |
| - on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on voice hoarseness and roughness | | | | |
| Chapter on voice hoarseness | | | | |
| Chapter on discourse which maintain voice smoothness | | | | |
| Chapter on rough voice and its treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on the short voice | | | | |
| Chapter on he coarse voice | | | | |
| Chapter on the sensitive voice | | | | |
| Chapter on the tarnished dingy voice | | | | |
| Chapter on the trembling voice | | | | |
Treatise 3, on Cough and hemoptysis | |
| Chapter on cough | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
| - prescription of cold [Diakuda](a beverage extracted from poppy) | | | | |
| Chapter on hemoptysis | | | | |
| - on signs | | | | |
| - on treatments | | | | |
Treatise 4, theoretical principle concerning chest organs and their swelling and ulcerations, excluding the heart | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on pain in chest (organs) and pleuritis | | | | |
| -signs of pleuritis | | | | |
| - signs of true and untrue pleuritis types | | | | |
| - signs of the ill (bad) and normal (well) pleuritis | | | | |
| - signs indicating its stages | | | | |
| - signs of its types according to its causes | | | | |
| - signs of its spreading | | | | |
| Chapter on general discourse on expectoration, starting with the second and third (types) | | | | |
| Chapter on deliriums (agitations) of those with pleuritis | | | | |
| Chapter on pneumonia | | | | |
| Chapter on the solid swelling in the lung | | | | |
| Chapter on the loose swelling in the lung | | | | |
| Chapter on pustules in the lung | | | | |
| Chapter on fluidin the lung | | | | |
| - on swelling and injury in the lung | | | | |
| Chapter on ulceration and accumulation of pus | | | | |
| Chapter on ulcers of the lung and chest, of which is tuberculosis | | | | |
| - on causes of lung ulcerations | | | | |
| Chapter on those prone to tuberculosis, with respect to appearance, looks, age, country and temperament | | | | |
| - precautions for prone persons | | | | |
| - signs of tuberculosis | | | | |
Treatise 5, practical principles | |
| Chapter on treatments of chest and lung swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of pleuritis | | | | |
| - Dressing prescription | | | | |
| - good dressing prescription for this | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of pneumonia | | | | |
| Chapter on discourse on purulence | | | | |
| - Good bandage | | | | |
| - Its formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of ulcers of the chest and treatments of tuberculosis | | | | |
| - Its formulation | | | | |
Part 11, on states of the heart, 2 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on principles | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the heart | | | | |
| Chapter on cardiac diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on indications about the states of the heart, 8 indications | | | | |
| - Signs of the normal heart temperaments | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of cardiac diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on causes affecting the heart | | | | |
| Chapter on general principles in cardio therapy | | | | |
| - Discourse on heart medicines | | | | |
Treatise 2, on detailed particular cases | |
| Chapter on cardiopalmus and its causes | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - Comprehensive treatment of cardiopalmus | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of hot cardiopalmus | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of cold cardiopalmus | | | | |
| Chapter on types of syncope and its causes, and causes of sudden death | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on sudden drop in strength | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on hot swelling in the heart | | | | |
Part 12, on the states of the breast, 1 treatise | |
| Chapter on breast anatomy | | | | |
| Chapter on abounding milk secretion | | | | |
| Chapter on diminishing milk secretion and preventing excessive milk secretion | | | | |
| Chapter on curdled milk in the breast | | | | |
| Chapter on curdled milk in the breast and its putridness and it’s spreading and the disease which inflicts it | | | | |
| Chapter on the hot swellings of the breast and pains of themamma | | | | |
| - Formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on cold phlegmatic swellings of the breast | | | | |
| Chapter on firmness of the breast and chaps and glands in it and developmentof full breast at adolescence | | | | |
| Chapter on breast bubo | | | | |
| Chapter on breast ulcers and gangrene | | | | |
| Chapter on what keeps the breast small and pleated and prevents it from sinking down and also prevents the testicles of boys from becoming big | | | | |
| - Its formulation | | | | |
Part 13, On the Esophagus and the stomach and their diseases, 5 treatises | |
Treatise 1, On states of the esophagus and on stomach conditions | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the esophagus and stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on esophagus diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on mode of swallowing | | | | |
| Chapter on esophagostenosisand difficulty in swallowing | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on esophagus swellings | | | | |
| - On sings | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| - Treatments of esophagus cold swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on outburst of blood from the esophagus | | | | |
| Chapter on esophagus ulcers | | | | |
| - Sign of ulcers in the esophagus | | | | |
| - Treatments of ulcers in the esophagus | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of temperaments of the normal stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on stomach diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on modes to deduce the states of the stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of bad hot temperament | | | | |
| Signs of bad cold temperament | | | | |
| - Signs of bad dry temperament | | | | |
| - Signs of bad moist temperament | | | | |
| - Signs of temperament substances and what accompanies them | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of defects of a non-temperament stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments in general | | | | |
| - On treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of cold moist temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of hot temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of bad cold temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of bad moist temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of bad dry temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of bad cold dry temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of bad hot dry temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of bad hot moist temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of bad temperament in the stomach with substance and treatment of its obstruction | | | | |
| - Treatment of stomach swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of a person who is hurt due to his sensitive stomach | | | | |
| - Regimen of a person with a small stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on matters suitable for the stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on matters if used harm the stomach and the intestines | | | | |
Treatise2, on regimen of the stomach and its weakness and the state of its appetite | |
| Chapter on stomachalgia (stomachodynia) | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on stomach weakness | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of dyspepsia and indigestion | | | | |
| - Treatment of dyspepsia | | | | |
| Chapter on cessation of appetite and its weakness | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on deterioration of the appetite | | | | |
| - Treatments of deterioration of appetite | | | | |
| Chapter on intense hunger and on bulimia | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on hunger known as bulimic | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on fainting hunger | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on thirst | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
Treatise 3, on digestion and related matters | |
| Chapter on defects in digestion | | | | |
| Chapter on putridity of digestion | | | | |
| Chapter on causes of weakness in digestion | | | | |
| -On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of weakness in digestion | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of putridity of digestion | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of putridity of digestion | | | | |
| Chapter on tardiness of food descending from the stomach and on its speed | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on stomach eructation (eructatio) and its firmness | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on what provokes eructation | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
Treatise 4, on mechanical and common diseases which afflict the stomach | |
| Chapter on swellings in the stomach | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on cold phlegmatic swellings | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on solid dense swellings | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| - Another dressing | | | | |
| - Good dressing preparation | | | | |
| Chapter on bubo in the stomach | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on ulcers in the stomach | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of pustules in the stomach | | | | |
Treatise 5, on the states of the stomach regarding its embodiment and what emerges,and on the states of the esophagus (gullet) and what follows | |
| Chapter on flatulence | | | | |
| -On signs | | | | |
| -On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on rumblings | | | | |
| Chapter on stomach diarrhea and its smoothness | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| - Chapter on vomiting and puking and nausea and stomachal anxiety | | | | |
| Chapter on signs precursoring vomit | | | | |
| Chapter on blood in the vomit | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of vomiting in general | | | | |
| - On stating simple and compound medicines useful for nausea and vomiting | | | | |
| - On a tried formulation which also helps in giving a palatable feeling | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of blood vomit | | | | |
| Chapter on stomachal anguish and anxiety | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on blood confined in the stomach and intestines | | | | |
| Chapter on hiccup | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on states afflicting the esophagus (gullet) and epigastrium | | | | |
Part 14, on the liver and its states, 4 treatises | |
Treatise 1, General states of the Liver | |
| Chapter on liver anatomy | | | | |
| Chapter on indications (signs) from which the states of the liver are deduced | | | | |
| - On classifying these signs | | | | |
| - As to deductions obtained from pain | | | | |
| - As to the deductions obtained from performances due to it | | | | |
| - As to the deduction obtained from contributions | | | | |
| - As to the deduction due to general states | | | | |
| - As to the deduction from the appearance of other organs | | | | |
| - As to the heart opposing the states (conditions) of the liver | | | | |
| - Chapter on signs of the natural liver temperaments | | | | |
| - On the natural cold temperament | | | | |
| - On the natural dry temperament | | | | |
| - On the natural humid temperament | | | | |
| - On the natural hot dry temperament | | | | |
| - On the natural cold dry temperament | | | | |
| - On the cold humid temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on liver diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on signs indicating bad temperament of the liver | | | | |
| - Discourse on bad hot temperament | | | | |
| - On the bad cold temperament | | | | |
| - On the bad dry temperament | | | | |
| - On the bad humid temperament | | | | |
| - Chapter on a general discourse on treatments of the liver | | | | |
| - Chapter on matters bad for the liver | | | | |
| - Chapter on matters good for the liver | | | | |
| - Chapter on treatment of bad hot temperament in the liver | | | | |
| - On their nourishment | | | | |
| - On regimen of the cold temperament | | | | |
| - and a good dressing | | | | |
| - On their nourishment | | | | |
| - On regimen of the dry temperament | | | | |
| - On regimen of the humid temperament | | | | |
| - On regimen of the hot dry temperament | | | | |
| -On regimen of the hot humid temperament | | | | |
| -On regimen of the cold dry temperament | | | | |
| - On regimen of the cold humid temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on the small liver | | | | |
| - Signs | | | | |
| - Treatments | | | | |
Treatise 2, on weakness of the liver and hepatosis and all related pains (hepatodynia) | |
| Chapter on liver weakness | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatment of liver weakness | | | | |
| Chapter on hepatosis | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatment of hepatosis | | | | |
| - Paste prescription useful for those developing a recent hepatosis | | | | |
| - On a useful dressings | | | | |
| - On nourishment | | | | |
| Chapter on murmur and flatus in the liver | | | | |
| - On treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on hepatodynia | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
Treatise 3, on liver swellings and loss of continuity | |
| Chapter on liver swellings and what follows | | | | |
| - On participating general symptoms of liver swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on differences between the liver and muscle swelling | | | | |
| Chapter on the hot swelling | | | | |
| Chapter on liver [Mashra] (a bloody swelling) | | | | |
| Chapter on phlegmonosis | | | | |
| Chapter on cold hepatoma | | | | |
| Chapter on phlegmatic swelling | | | | |
| Chapter on the hard and cancerous hepatoma | | | | |
| Chapter on bubo | | | | |
| Chapter on swelling of the mesentery | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments, and the first is the treatment of sanguineous hot swelling | | | | |
| - On treatments of the erysipelas | | | | |
| - On treatments of the bubo | | | | |
| - On treatments of the cold swellings | | | | |
| - On treatments of the hard swellings in the liver | | | | |
| - On beverages | | | | |
| - On good bandages | | | | |
| Chapter on a hit, a fall and a blow to the liver | | | | |
| Chapter on hepatorrhexis | | | | |
Treatise 4, on humidities affecting the liver, which are impelled to the outside or are congested. | |
| Chapter on types of impelled substances from the liver | | | | |
| - On signs | | | | |
| Chapter on defects leading to hydrops | | | | |
| Chapter on hydrops(dropsy) | | | | |
| Chapter on causes of balantidosis hydrops subsequent to common causes | | | | |
| Chapter on sarcous causes of subsequent to common causes | | | | |
| Chapter on cause of tympanites hydrops | | | | |
| Chapter on common causes | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of balantidosis hydrops | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of sarcoushydrops | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of tympanites hydrops | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments, and first on treatment of defects leading to hydrops | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of balantidosis hydrops | | | | |
| - Its composition | | | | |
| - A bandage formulation | | | | |
| - Another very strong bandage formulation | | | | |
| - A good formulation | | | | |
| - A good medicine | | | | |
| - On nourishments | | | | |
| - Suppository formulation | | | | |
| - Another for diereses | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of sarcous hydrops | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of tympanites hydrops | | | | |
Part 15, on states of the cholecyst (gall bladder) and the spleen, and on jaundice, 2 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on anatomy of the cholecyst and the spleen and on Jaundice (icterus) | |
| Chapter on the anatomy of the cholecyst (gall bladder) | | | | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the spleen | | | | |
| Chapter on icterus and acholuric jaundices | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of icterus jaundice | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of causes of achloluric jaundice | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments, and first treatments of icterus jaundice | | | | |
| - A good formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of acholurice jaundice and on meeting of the two jaundices | | | | |
Treatise 2, on the rest of the states of the spleen | |
| Chapter on a general discourse on spleen diseases | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of the spleen temperaments | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on hot and cold and solid swellings of the spleen and its solidity due to swelling | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on hot spleen swellings and on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on hard spleen swellings, and on treatment | | | | |
| - Its formulation | | | | |
| - Another tested formulation | | | | |
| - Another pill formulation | | | | |
| - Its formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of phlegmatic swelling in the spleen | | | | |
| Chapter on infarction (obstruction) of the spleen | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on gas and tympanites (flatulence) in the spleen | | | | |
| - On treatments | | | | |
| - Formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on spleen pain | | | | |
Part 16, On the states of the intestines and the buttocks, 5 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on their anatomy and discharge | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the 6 intestines | | | | |
| Chapter on discourse on stomach discharge from all aspects, and causeof slither of the intestine and on cholera, and sprue, and different bloods , and effluences from the liver and the spleen, and the brain and body, and on tenasmus | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of diarrhea in general | | | | |
| Chapter on their nourishment | | | | |
Treatise 2, on treatments of the different mentioned discharges after concluding the comprehensive treatment | |
| Chapter on treatment of liver diarrhea | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of stomachal and intestinal diarrhea without excoriation | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of gall bladder diarrhea | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of spleen diarrhea without excoriation | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of blood diarrhea without excoriation | | | | |
| - A good injection we are familiar with | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of excoriation and intestinal ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of diarrhea due to foods | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of encephalo diarrhea | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of infarction diarrhea | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of deliquescent diarrhea | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of diarrhea due to inspissations (concentration) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of cholera | | | | |
| - On a good lotion | | | | |
| Chapter on regimen of diarrhea due to medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on regimen of delirium diarrhea | | | | |
| Chapter on tenesmus | | | | |
| Chapter on suppositories for tenesmus | | | | |
| - Formulation of a suppository for tenesmus | | | | |
Treatise 3, general discourse on colic and intestine pains | |
| Chapter on gripe | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| - On an enema prescription | | | | |
| - On a (medicinal) powder prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on gurgle and involuntary passing of wind | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on colic and retention of stools | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of colic in general | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of safe colic | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of bad colic | | | | |
| Chapter on the difference between colic and kidney stone pain | | | | |
| Chapter on elaboration of signs of colic | | | | |
| Chapter on wind signs | | | | |
| Chapter on sediment (stool) signs | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of colic due to swelling | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of due to torsion and to hernia | | | | |
| Chapter on the rest of mild colic types | | | | |
Treatise 4, On treatment of colic and discourse on ileus (very strong colic) and other particular intestinal diseases and their states | |
| Chapter on the principle of colic treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of cold colic | | | | |
| Chapter on principles for wind (treatment) due to cold colic | | | | |
| Chapter on Laxative prescription for cold colic - due to wind or phlegmatic matter | | | | |
| Chapter on excretory enema for phlegm and stools | | | | |
| Chapter on excretory enema for glutinous phlegm | | | | |
| Chapter on an oxymel enema prescription for those with colic | | | | |
| Chapter on an old useful enema for pain relief | | | | |
| Chapter on a strong enema in the presence of hard stools and very viscous and hard phlegm | | | | |
| Chapter on cathartic syrup prescriptions for phlegmatic matter | | | | |
| Chapter on a capsule good for phlegmatic matter | | | | |
| Chapter on another very strong laxative | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription which excretes a big amount of excrement with glutinous phlegm | | | | |
| Chapter on an enema prescription good for flatulence | | | | |
| Chapter on a suppository prescription for flatulence | | | | |
| Chapter on enemas and suppositories for those with cold intestines without substance | | | | |
| Chapter on washbowls and baths and douching | | | | |
| Chapter on discourse on direction for use of enemas and their devices | | | | |
| Chapter on castor oil purge in cold colic treatment for those accustomed to it | | | | |
| Chapter on medicinal prescriptions useful for those with cold colic | | | | |
| On a good experimented formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on a dressing for cold colic | | | | |
| Chapter on compresses for cold colic | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of biliary colic | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of biliary colic due to biliary humor retention | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of colic due to hot and cold swelling | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of black humor colic | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of colic due to stools | | | | |
| -On purges | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of colic due to weak propulsion | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of colic due to weakness and loss of sensation | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of colic due to a contorted colon | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment colic due to worms | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of hernia | | | | |
| Chapter on regimen of drugs (anesthetics) | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishing people with colic | | | | |
| Chapter on what harms people with colic | | | | |
| Chapter on ileus in the small intestines (intestinum tenue), it is like colic | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on delay and speed of discharge | | | | |
| Chapter on abundance and infrequency of feces | | | | |
Treatise 5, discourse on worms (intestinal)(helminth) and treatments | |
| Chapter on worms (intestinal) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on hot medicines which kills worms (helminths), especially the long ones | | | | |
| Chapter on medicines pertaining to tapeworm: the tar (resin) | | | | |
| Chapter on cold and slightly hot medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on management of small worms | | | | |
| Chapter on enemas for people infested with worms | | | | |
| Chapter on dressings for people infested with worms | | | | |
| - on a good dressing | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishment of infested people | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of a fall and a blow on the stomach | | | | |
Part 17, on diseases of the buttock, 1 treatise | |
| Chapter on a general discourse about buttock diseases (disorders) | | | | |
| Chatper on hemorrhoids | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on the regimen of hemorrhoidectomy and piercing of hemorrhoids | | | | |
| Chapter on the regimen of opening of the solid hemorrhoids and gush their blood | | | | |
| Chapter on discourse about hemorrhoidal medicines and pustules and powders | | | | |
| Chapter on liquids applied and spread on it | | | | |
| Chapter on suppositories | | | | |
| Chapter on purges | | | | |
| Chapter on analgesics | | | | |
| Chapter on restriction (suppression) of flowage | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishment of persons with hemorrhoids | | | | |
| Chapter on hot swelling and redness in the buttock,resulting from hemorrhoid pain and hemorrhodectomy | | | | |
| Chapter on buttock fissures | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishment for persons with fissures | | | | |
| Chapter on looseness of the buttock | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on buttock abcess | | | | |
| Chapter on fistulas (fistulae) in the buttock | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on buttock itching | | | | |
| Chapter on buttock ulcers | | | | |
Part 18, on states of the kidney, 2 treatises | |
Treatise 1, On general sequences of the kidney and in details | |
| Chapter on kidney anatomy | | | | |
| Chapter on kidney diseases (nephropathy) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs which indicate states of the kidney | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of the hot kidney | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of the cold kidney | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of the hot kidney | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of the cold kidney | | | | |
| Chapter on kidney emaciation | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a good enema | | | | |
| Chapter on weakness of the kidney (nephratonia) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on wind in the kidney | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on kidney pain and its treatment | | | | |
Treatise 2, Kidney swellings and loss of continuity | |
| Chapter on hot swellings in the kidney (nephroma) and bubo | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on phlegmatic swelling in the kidney | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on solid swelling in the kidney (renal sclerosis) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on kidney ulcers (nephrelcosis) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishment | | | | |
| Chapter on Psora of the kidney and urinary tracks | | | | |
| Chapter on its signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on kidney stone (nephrolith) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on fragmentizing medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on an another arrangement | | | | |
| Chapter on compound medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription for an exceptional medicine for pain relief, and which lets (the nephrolith) out | | | | |
| Chapter on cookings | | | | |
| Chapter on ointments preparation | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishment (of persons with a kidney stone) | | | | |
Part 19, On states of the urinary bladder (urocyst) and urine, 2 treatises | |
Treatise 1, On the states of the urinary bladder (urocyst) | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on the diseases of the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on what warms up the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on what cools up the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on the urinary bladder stone (urolith) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of the urinary bladder stone (urolith) | | | | |
| Chapter on managing the urinary bladder stone | | | | |
| Chapter on the warm swelling in the urinary bladder and bubo | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of the urinary bladder swellings | | | | |
| Chapter on solid swelling in the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on ulcerations in the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on psora in the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on blood coagulation (clotting) in the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on dislocation of the urinary bladder and its loosening (bladder atony) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on dressings | | | | |
| Chapter on pains in the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on weakness of the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on wind in the urinary bladder | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
Treatise 2, On timing of urine | |
| Chapter on mechanism of normal urination | | | | |
| Chapter on defects in the urine | | | | |
| Chapter on burning in the urine | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of burnings in the urine | | | | |
| Chapter in urine scantiness (uropenia) | | | | |
| Chapter on dysurea and anuria (uroschesis) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription for a strong diuretic | | | | |
| Chapter on a good dressing | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription for a good lotion (cream) | | | | |
| Chapter on naming some diuretic stuffs | | | | |
| Chapter on Catheter | | | | |
| Chapter on urine dripping | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on a strong paste prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a another paste prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a useful tested paste prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a strong medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on urine incontinence (enuresis) (uroclepsia) (urorrhea) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a good enema prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on nocturnal enuresis | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on passing out urine in a short interval after drinking | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on dressings | | | | |
| Chapter on Vernix (Vernises) prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on an injection prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishment | | | | |
| Chapter on abundance of urine (urorrhagia) | | | | |
| Chapter on a good injection for this, which also strengthens the kidney | | | | |
| Chapter on hematuria and pus urines, and a mixture of blood and urine, and hair- like urine,and other similar unusual urines | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on prescription of a medicine praised by the ancients | | | | |
Part 20, On the states of the male sex organs, excluding women, 2 treatises | |
Treatise 1, On generalities and on erection | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the testicles and sperm vessels | | | | |
| Chapter on cause for erection | | | | |
| Chapter on cause for spermatic fluid (semen) | | | | |
| Chapter on temperament indications of the normal spermatic fluid organs | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of cold temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of humid temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of dry temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of hot dry temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of hot humid temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of cold humid temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of cold dry temperament | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of abnormal temperaments | | | | |
| Chapter on the advantages of sexual intercourse | | | | |
| Chapter on the disadvantages, and states and the bad forms of sexual intercourse | | | | |
| Chapter on periods (timings)for sexual intercourse | | | | |
| Chapter on breeding and non breeding semen | | | | |
| Chapter on loss of erection | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on single (simple) erectory medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of mine for a very effective medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on another prescription of a very effective medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on a good medicine, kernels paste | | | | |
| Chapter on another regimen | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription for a good tried medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on a very effective rubbing cream by [Rufuss] (a doctor) | | | | |
| Chapter on suppositories | | | | |
| Chapter on a good clyster(enema)of mine | | | | |
| Chapter on another clyster (enema) | | | | |
| Chapter on another clyster (enema) | | | | |
| Chapter on a strong clyster (enema) | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishments | | | | |
| Chapter on nourishments containing medicine-like substances | | | | |
| Chapter on a good tried omlet of mine | | | | |
| Chapter on a tried arrangement, of mine | | | | |
| Chapter on a tried arrangement, of others | | | | |
| Chapter on potions | | | | |
| Chapter on a potion which suits them | | | | |
| Chapter on another potion of mine | | | | |
| Chapter on excessive lust | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on cold dehydrators of sperms | | | | |
| Chapter on hot dehydrators of sperms | | | | |
| Chapter on copious flow of the sperm fluid (spermatorrhea), the harmful and the friendly | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on excessive wet dreams | | | | |
| Chapter on paucity of the sperm fluid, and its flow as a stringy syrup | | | | |
| Chapter on managing who is harmed by intercourse, and on abstaining | | | | |
| Chapter on managing who performs excessive intercourse | | | | |
| Chapter on excessive erection, not caused by lust, and on continuance erection without lust | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on he who evacuates (feces) during intercourse | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on passive pederasty | | | | |
| Chapter on hermaphrodite | | | | |
| Chapter on excusing doctores when they spread their knowledge regarding sexual pleasure, and tightening of the vagina and warming it up | | | | |
| Chapter on what gives pleasure to men and women | | | | |
| Chapter on products which enlarge the penis | | | | |
| Chapter on products which tighten the vagina | | | | |
| Chapter on products which warm up the vagina | | | | |
Treatise 2, On the states of these organs, excluding erection | |
| Chapter on hot swellings of the testicle (testiculoma) and around it and around the anus | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of cold swelling of the testicle (testiculoma) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of solid swelling of the testicle (testiculoma) | | | | |
| Chapter on a good tried treatment for this | | | | |
| Chapter on[Afo-Nar-Arsaton] (rare disease, shivering of penis and tip of vagina) | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on pain in the testicles and the penis | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on enlargement of the testicles | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on ectopic or retained testicle and its shrinkage | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on solid varicose veins in the scrotum | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on drooping of the scrotum | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on hydrocele and hernias | | | | |
| Chapter on shrinking of testicles | | | | |
| Chapter on ulcers in the testicle and penis and anus | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a compound medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on internal penis ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on itching in the penis | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on hot swellings in the penis | | | | |
| Chapter on cold swellings in the penis | | | | |
| Chapter on fissure on and around the penis | | | | |
| Chapter on pain in the penis | | | | |
| Chapter on warts on the penis | | | | |
| - On a medicine for pustules | | | | |
| Chapter on bending of the penis | | | | |
Part 21, On the states of the female reproductive organs, 4 treatises | |
Treatise 1, on principles, and fecundation and delivery | |
| Chapter on anatomy of the uterus | | | | |
| Chapter on genesis of the embryo | | | | |
| Chapter on another issue | | | | |
| Chapter on diseases of the uterus | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of temperaments of the uterus | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of coldness in the uterus | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of wetness | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of dryness | | | | |
| Chapter on infecundity and difficulty in getting pregnant | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on management and treatment | | | | |
| -On a good suppository | | | | |
| - On a good vaginal suppository | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of pregnancy and its management | | | | |
| Chapter on cause (reason) which produces a male | | | | |
| Chapter on signs which indicate whether embryo is a male or a female | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a female embryo | | | | |
| Chapter on management to produce males | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a (stud-male) who produce males | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a female who gets pregnant easily | | | | |
| Chapter on causes of twins and double pregnancy | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of approaching delivery | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a weak embryo | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a weak infant | | | | |
Treatise 2, On pregnancy and delivery | |
| Chapter on general management of pregnant women | | | | |
| Chapter on managing of a puerperant | | | | |
| Chapter on appetite of pregnant women | | | | |
| Chapter on palpitation in pregnant women | | | | |
| Chapter on managing menstruation in pregnant women | | | | |
| Chapter on swelling and flabbiness of feet of pregnant women | | | | |
| Chapter on miscarriage | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on protecting the embryo and preventing miscarriage | | | | |
| Chapter on a good management for this | | | | |
| Chapter on a good clyster (enema) for this, and for wind | | | | |
| Chapter on a medicine which prevents miscarriage | | | | |
| Chapter on managing miscarriages and bringing out the dead fetus | | | | |
| Chapter on a strong medicine for miscarriage and bringing out the dead fetus | | | | |
| Chapter on a strong vaginal suppository | | | | |
| Chapter on vaginal suppository by (Boulos, Foulos) | | | | |
| Chapter on a very strong vaginal suppository | | | | |
| Chapter on a womb Syringe | | | | |
| Chapter on managing the delivery of a dead infant by (methods used by) the ancients | | | | |
| Chapter on managing pregnant women after a miscarriage | | | | |
| Chapter on bringing out the placenta | | | | |
| Chapter on preventing pregnancy | | | | |
| Chapter on the mole (spurious pregnancy) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on normal and abnormal forms of delivery | | | | |
| Chapter on difficult delivery | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a difficult or normal (delivery) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs of a woman in labor | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on managing a woman who delivers her embryo with its feet out first before the head | | | | |
| Chapter on managing a woman who delivers her embryo on its side | | | | |
| Chapter on managing who delivers with a swell in her womb | | | | |
| Chapter on managing who has difficulty in delivery due to the big size of embryo | | | | |
| Chapter on managing who has difficulty in delivery due to death of embryo, or due to a deformity rendering it not fit to live | | | | |
| Chapter on managing who faints | | | | |
| Chapter on medicines which facilitate delivery | | | | |
| Chapter on good pills | | | | |
| Chapter on other good pills | | | | |
| Chapter on other strong pills | | | | |
| -On similar pills | | | | |
| Chapter on a very good cream prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a dressing and vernix | | | | |
| Chapter on strong suppositories which bring down the embryo | | | | |
| Chapter on specific medicines | | | | |
| Chapter on fumes (incensing) | | | | |
| Chapter on managing the infant as it is born | | | | |
| Chapter on the states of the puerperant | | | | |
| Chapter on managing who bleeds a lot | | | | |
| Chapter on managing who bleeds little | | | | |
| Chapter on managing her diets | | | | |
| Chapter on managing inflation of her stomach | | | | |
| Chapter on managing pain in her womb | | | | |
| Chapter on managing her wounds | | | | |
Treatise 3, On other diseases of the womb, except swellings and the | |
| Chapter on sequences of menstruation | | | | |
| Chapter on excessive flowage of the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of loss of blood (bleeding and menstruation) | | | | |
| Chapter on a tried formulation of ours | | | | |
| Chapter on a good vaginal suppository especially in wearing and in ulcers | | | | |
| Chapter on washbowl | | | | |
| Chapter on vernix | | | | |
| -On a formulation for this | | | | |
| Chapter on ulcers of the womb and its putridiness | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on putridity of the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on prurigo of the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on managing of deflorated women | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on fissures in the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on itching, and on continuous erection of the clitoris without lust | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on a womb hermorrhoid (pile) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on weakness of the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on pains of the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on womb flowage | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on retention of catamenia and its being little | | | | |
| Chapter on symptoms of this | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| - Its formulation | | | | |
Treatise 4, On defects of womb position and its swellings and the like | |
| Chapter on narrowness of female organs to such a degree as only to allow a passage for the urine | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on method to cut open this | | | | |
| Chapter on womb obstruction | | | | |
| Chapter on womb prutruding and retroversion, which is cystocele | | | | |
| Chapter on symptoms and signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on declination and distortion of the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment | | | | |
| Chapter on hot swelling in the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on phlegmatic swelling in the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on solid swelling in the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on lotions (creams) | | | | |
| Chapter on obstruction of the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on managing excited (women) | | | | |
| Chapter on hemorrhoids, mulberry-like pustules, and pustules which appear in the womb, and on corny warts | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments of corny warts | | | | |
| Chapter on additional flesh (outgrowth), length of clitoris, and emergence of a penis- like structure, and what is known as an additional flesh on the tip of the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on water in the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on inflation in the womb and its putridity | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on winds in the womb | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
Part 22, which is the last part of this book.On apparent diseases and marginal organs, 2 treastises | |
Treatise 1, On what they are exposed to regarding extent (degree) and condition of diseases | |
| Chapter on the appearance of the omentum and the peritoneum | | | | |
| Chapter on hernia and the like | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of intestine and omentum hernia | | | | |
| Chapter on a dressing formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on another light dressing formulation | | | | |
| Chapter on another tried dressing | | | | |
| Chapter on a dressing formulation which might mend the hernia in youths | | | | |
| Chapter on another good dressing | | | | |
| Chapter on a water hernia | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of a wind hernia | | | | |
| Chapter on a good cream for this | | | | |
| Chapter on hydrocele and varicosity | | | | |
| Chapter on protruding of the umbilicus | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatments | | | | |
| Chapter on kyphos and on winds which cause kyphos is (neck breaking) | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of kyphos and winds which cause kyphos (neck breaking) | | | | |
| - On arraying that | | | | |
| Chapter on a dressing for wind kyphos | | | | |
| Chapter on good dressing for moist kyphos | | | | |
| Chapter on a useful dressing for both wind and moist kyphoses | | | | |
| Chapter on varicosity | | | | |
| Chapter on elephantiasis | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of varicosity and elephantiasis | | | | |
Treatise 2, On pains in these organs | |
| Chapter on back pain | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of back pain | | | | |
| Chapter on flank pain | | | | |
| Chapter on joints pain, arthrolithiasis (gout), sciatica and others | | | | |
| Chapter on signs | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of joint pains, arthrolithiasis and sciatica | | | | |
| Chapter on vernix | | | | |
| Chapter on laxatives for these | | | | |
| Chapter on a tried useful light laxative prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a very strong emetic prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on diarrheal drinks prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on dressings | | | | |
| Chapter on a strong dressing prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on an absorbent, loosening dressing prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a good , loosening dressing prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on a dressing prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on another dressing prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on ointments (pomades, creams, lotions) | | | | |
| Chapter on douchings (sprayings) | | | | |
| Chapter on baths for these | | | | |
| Chapter on hot soft painkillers (analgesics) | | | | |
| Chapter on anesthetic painkillers | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of winds | | | | |
| Chapter on managing cauterization | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of those having fever | | | | |
| Chapter on vernix | | | | |
| Chapter on laxatives | | | | |
| Chapter on a good medicine prescription | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of stiff and dry joints | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of the disabled and infirmity | | | | |
| Chapter on precautionary measurements against joint pains | | | | |
| Chapter on treatment of sciatica | | | | |
| Chapter on a prescription of a miraculous medicine | | | | |
| Chapter on douching and on washbowls | | | | |
| Chapter on ointments (cream, lotion) | | | | |
| Chapter on vernix and dressings | | | | |
| Chapter on pomades | | | | |
| Chapter on another vernix prescription similar to that | | | | |
| Chapter on pomade for calming sciatica | | | | |
| Chapter on laxatives | | | | |
| Chapter on clysma (clyster) | | | | |
| Chapter on pimples known as (terebinth, or Taramix) | | | | |
| Chapter on calcaneum (calcaneus) pain | | | | |
| Chapter on weakness in leg | | | | |
| Chapter on nail pains and its bruises | | | | |
| Chapter on distension and itching of the nails | | | | |
(In the pages of the books,
clicking the left half of the page brings up the next page and the
right half, the previous.)